✧- May I ?

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A few weeks later. I haven't told Gustav when exactly i was gonna start being homeschooled but he's definitely not expecting it to happen any time soon.

"Hello? You up Bella?" I hear him call from our Walkie-talkies. We got them so it would be easier to contact each other without my parents knowing.

"Its 5 in the morning Gus. What's up?" I say, picking up my walkie from my bedside table. "Meet me at the park later." He says.

"You know i can't. It's Saturday and my parents aren't out of this house til 11 in the afternoon." I whisper. "I know, so meet me when you're done with lunch alright?" He says. "Over and out." He adds on, cutting me off.

I giggled and placed my walkie back on my table and went back to bed.

A few hours later, i was getting ready for the park with Gustav.

I wore this white slightly fitted band tee and bootcut jeans. I threw a pair of converse.

Added a locket necklace which Gustav bought for me a while ago.

I was tying my shoe laces when my mother walked in. "Hone- wait..why are you getting dressed?" She asks confused. "Oh, I'm going out to get groceries to cook dinner tonight. Dad asked me to mom." I respond.

I was gonna get those groceries since my dad did ask me, but i was also gonna see Gustav so i had to be sly with it.

"Alright.." she says, closing the door and walking back out.

I sighed and tightened my shoe laces.

While waiting for their cars to go, i sat in my bed patiently waiting.

"Hey Bella? Where are you?" Gustav says from the radio. "Hii, im just waiting for my parents to leave." I say, picking up the walkie and getting up from my bed..peaking through my blinds seeing if their car left yet.

"Okay, I'll wait." He says. "Also i saw Chloe and Stacy around here earlier.." he adds on. "What?" I say, pausing. "Mm..they were with Liam and Krypto." He says.

"Wait, Krypto?" I say, sitting on my bed again. "Yeah..knowing them, its for homework or something like that." Gustav says. "Those fucking bitches.." i whispered under my breath.

I sighed. "Gustav, their cars gone. Ill be right there alright!" I say excitedly. "Alright meine liebe. (my love.) Be safe!" He says. "Over and out." He adds on.

I skip downstairs and walked as fast as i could.

By the time i got to the park, i noticed the sun starting to set pretty early.

I thought about how beautiful the sky looked. And assumed it was a gift to someone loved and cared for.

"Hi!" I squealed and ran over to Gustav. He picked me up and spun me around, holding my hand after. "Come, i have something to show you." He says, guiding me.

"Gustav..? What is this place?" I ask once he lead me into an area that seemed private.

It had a fountain made of marble. Vines all over the place with flowers growing out of them. Stepping stones leading towards a swing that could also be used as a bench.

Gustav didn't respond. He just smirked at lead me to sit on the corner of the marbled fountain. "Bella, we've known each other for a long time and I've had feelings for you since forever." He says.

I was shocked to hear him say these things when he usually isn't so talkative.

"I know that this is a big risk im taking, but im willing to go through that because i want to be with you." He says, taking my hand and slipping on a ring the shape of a star on my pinky finger.

"For now, I'll give you this promise ring." He says, holding my hand after. "I see my future with you, so with this ring i promise.." he gives my hand a slight squeeze.

"I'm going to marry you one day." He smiles. I start tearing up and decide to hold his hand. "And I'm going to say yes." I whispered.

"Gustav, does this mean..?" I say confused. "Bella, may i be your boyfriend?" He says joyfully with a smile.

If i said one more word i would've bursted out crying, so instead i nodded multiple times.

Gustav hugged me shortly after and said.."I love you, so much." He whispered.

"I love you too.." i whispered.

He caressed my cheek and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead.

It wasn't long until a few birds came to drink water from the fountain splashed us, so we moved to the bench, or swing..or whatever it was.

"I'm sorry i don't wanna break the moment but i need to get groceries for dinner tonight and be home straight after.." i whisper, guilty.

"You aren't breaking anything." He chuckles. "But Bella, here." He adds on, handing me two pictures of the both of us, cut into a heart. "Its for your locket. Something to keep." He says.

"Gustav..this is so kind of you." I laughed at how cute he seemed. "Its perfect.." i say, placing it in my locket. "Look at that whenever you feel alone." He says with a proud and bright smile.

I hugged him and when i pulled away i gave him a kiss on the cheek. Making him touch the spot i kissed for a few seconds.

After, we headed on to a small supermarket our town had. "It's like we're going shopping for our own house!" Gustav says, grabbing a small basket. "One day it is going to be like that." I smile.

We grab a few ingredients and Gustav went separately to get some sweets. I was checking the labels of the pasta sauces and Krypto pass by. "Krypto?.." i say, calling out to him.

"Bella?.." he says, looking slightly shocked. "Hi." I say sternly. "Its nice to see you again!" He says with a welcoming smile. "Yeah, as to you.." i say coldly.

He left the aisle and i felt a sense of awkwardness between us. I felt hurt although.

Krypto became one of my friends and to see him hangout with the people who put me through hell.

"Heyy! Im back!" Gustav said skipping over to me with a handful of sweets. "Dont worry I'll pay." He says putting them in the cart and holding it for me after.

"Skittles? Didn't know you liked those." I say with a chuckle. "Oh its for Tom. That burger too." He says with a smile. "And..the rest?" I ask.

"For the rest of the band of course. Mostly for me but you know.." he says cheekily. "Mm whatever." I say with a giggle.

After paying for the groceries, Gustav dropped me off at my house.

I was smiling the whole way into my house, until then i saw my parents in the living room couch.

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