✧- Fight For Me If I Cant't Hold On

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A knock on my window. I thought i was dreaming so ignored it.

Another knock. It was 3 in the morning, i wondered who the person was.

I got up and turned on a light to see better. I walked over to where the knocks came from. I pushed the curtains away and immediately opened the window seeing it was Bella.

"Bella where were you? I thought you were-" i say, her entering from my window. "Gustav!" She yelled, hugging me tightly. "Hey.." i whisper, comforting her by hugging her back. "Im so sorry..i-i mean, im so embarrassed to have to do this." She says, tears traveling her eyes.

"Shh..its okay." I say, kissing her forehead and wiping away her tears. "Bella, slow down. What's wrong?" I ask, holding her face.

"My mother..she's divorcing my father and for-forcing.." she stutters. "She's forcing me to move away along with her.." she says.

"Wait, you're going to move?" I ask her. "Why? And..and where?" I ask again. "I don't know but all i know is I don't wanna be with either one of my parents Gustav." She says.

"I'd rather be with you. You over anyone and everyone else in this world but i can't." She sobs, hugging me.

"Bella, i promise I'll find away to be together and get in contact with you, I'll write you letters.." i say.

"I don't deserve them! I don't deserve to be happy anymore." She yells. "Yes you do Bella. More than anyone." I say, comforting her.

"Im burned out! Im tired of getting everything taken away from me! We're sleeping in our cars now." She cries. "We're practically homeless! And my mother, she.." she says, sobbing into my chest.

"She's spending more money on cigarettes other than finding us a place to stay!" She yells. "Bella you could always stay here." I say assuring her.

"And what? For her to hurt you and burn you out like she did to me..? No." Bella cries. "Bella, you aren't burned out." I say.

"Yes i am! Im tired, im drained, im done.." she whispers, sniffling from her cries. "You're a star, sometimes when you burn, you get stronger." I say. Patting her back and guiding the both of us to sit on the corner of my bed.

"Are you a poet now or something?" She giggles. "Well im a dead star. A star who burned too much." She adds. "Well, even when stars are dead.. its scientifically impossible for you to tell when they are." I say.

"What does that have to do anything?" She asks. "Put on a fight Bella, don't let your parents see that they're ruining you. Because they aren't." I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"You're the strongest person i know. After everything you've been through, you fight for whats right." I add on, holding her hand and making her rest on my shoulder.

She looked up to me. "Im tired of fighting." She says. "Im always gonna be here to help you with that. Even if im not psychically, i always be mentally." I whisper, kissing her head.

"Bella, fight. Fight for yourself." I say. She looks up to me once more and hugs me tightly.

"I will, i promise." She whispers into my ear. "No matter what happens Gustav, just think of the girl who accidentally ran into you that one night." She says, smiling even when her tears were visibly going to fall.

"Miss Popular, I promise." I say laughing softly, giving her a kiss and tightly hugging her once more, making her smile. Gustav?" She asks me.

"Hmm?" I say. "Fight for me if i can't hold on." She whispered, sounding weak.

Her saying this caused me to pause for a while, i knew what she meant and it was painful to see the girl i loved go through so much. Too much.

She checked her watch for the time and she sat back up straightly. I noticed her eyes widening and i saw how she gradually started to become frantic by the second.

"Bella? Hey hey, its okay." I say. She stood up and shook her head, staring at her watch. "No, no..shit." She whispered. "Fuck! I have to go. Gustav i have to go, im sorry." She says walking over to the window.

"Its okay Bella, but wait..please just be safe. Its still dark out." I say, holding her wrist. "I will." She says, opening my bedroom window once more.

I noticed her pausing and taking very shortened breaths. She didn't go out and it seemed like she was hesitating to.

"Bella what's wrong?" I ask her.

"Im just glad i met you Schaefer." She whispered, turning around and smiling at me.

"Bella, am i ever going to see you again?" I ask her shakily. She turned around and smiled. Along with that smile tears fell down her face.

She took a step forward and held my face. "Seeing you or not, im always going to love you." She whispered with a shudder. "Nothing is going to change that. Not even death, distance or time." She smiled, ruffling her hands through my hair.

She kissed me on my lips and i could feel her grip tightening.

She kissed me on my forehead and another tear stroked down her cheek.

"I'll see you around Gustav."

"You too, Bella."

Those were the last words we said to each other on that night.

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