✧- A Concert and a glass of Water

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"Gustav come on let's go!" Bella squealed out, dragging me to the stadium where the concert was being held. "Alright alright!" I say.

We entered and the place was full of these punk's, who were all dressed up and looked pretty drunk. Meanwhile me and Bella looked like we just came from a party or wedding of some sort..

"What time is it gonna start?" I ask excitedly. "We're already a few minutes late so im guessing soon!" Bella says.

"Bella look it's starting!" I pointed to the stage. Bella shrieked in joy and i just couldn't help but smile at the sight. She looked like an rockstar in an angels body..

While we were screaming our lungs out while "Iron Maiden" was performing their hit song "The Trooper", i always kept an eye on Bella just incase.

I will forever be grateful that i did. Because then, i noticed a few boys that seemed to be up to some kind of bullshit eyeing her down and whistling.

Bella was having the time of her life so i didn't want to take that from her. So, i held her left hand and placed my other on her right shoulder. I took a few small steps to stand behind her and protect her from whatever they were thinking of.

"Gustav! Also, after this. You don't mind if i go home directly don't you? My mom's expecting me there by 11 PM." Bella says loudly trying to make her voice heard even with the noise coming from the crowd and stage.

"I don't mind Belle. Could i take you home at least? I wanna thank your parents in person for allowing us to do this." I say, matching the volume of her voice. "Of course! You have to, it's basically a necessity!" She says with a giggle.

| After the Concert.. |

"Bella, we should really get going. It's getting late." I say to her as we're walking out the stadium. "Gustav come on its only ten pm!" She responds. "I know. But by the time we get to your house its going to be eleven." I say. "Can we at least eat dinner before we go?" She whined at me.

"Okay, lets go. That's a decent reason anyway." I chuckle, holding her hand walking on the sidewalks. "Decent reason for what?" She asks in a whiney tone. "If we're late, even just by 5 minutes." I respond.

"You're very cautious of the time, you know that?" Bella laughs.

"Here, this seems like a good place." I say, guiding her to a cafe. "A cafe? Isn't that for snacks..?" She whines again. "Well, they have meals too. And they're quick!" I respond happily.

We enter the place and i guided her to sit on a table. "Alright, what do you wanna eat?" I ask her, giving her the menu. "Hmm, cookies?" She says to me with a bright smile. "I'll get you some. But choose a meal first." I respond.

"Fine.." she whines once more. "You've been whining all night. You know that?" I say with a chuckle before she hit me on the head with the menu. "I get like this when im tired okay?" She giggles once more.

"Okay, I'll just have a sandwich. This one right here please!" She says, pointing to a basic sand which on the menu. "Okay, of course." I respond with smiles on my face.

"Hey, good evening. What'd you guys want?" The male waitress came to us asking in a tired and not so energetic voice. I couldn't see what he looked liked. He was looking down and had this hat on. "Hold on please." I say. "Bella, could you order for me? I just need to go to the restroom." I add on. "Oh, sure!" She smiles.

"Okay so could i get a water and-" i heard her say as i walked off to the bathroom.

The lights were broken in the place and a few stalls doors looked old. The place creeped me out so i headed back as fast as i could.

"Bella, i forgot we should've took the meal out-" i say walking out the comfort room. "Wait, holy shit! Bella? Are you okay?" I say, quickly walking over to her, seeing her head rested and her arms spread on the table. "Nothing, the water just tasted funny.." she says with a giggle. "Come on, let's go wait in the car yeah?" I say picking her up and grabbing her things. "What about our food..?" She asks.

"I'll get it for you, don't worry." I say helping her walk over to my car. "There. And please, if you feel sick tell me and I'll do something alright?" I add on, making her sit in the passenger's seat. "Bella, what did the water taste like?" I ask her, buckling her seatbelt. "I don't know.. spicy? And sweet, and felt sharp.." she responds.

"Sharp?..Belle, just..stay here. Alright?" I say, turning on the cars AC and going back to the cafe for the food.

"Hey, sir. Is it done yet?" I ask, impatiently. "What, she drunk already?" The man
packing our orders says. "What..?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows. "Also, i need another tip for the vodka shots i put in her water. But honestly, it was more like shots of water in vodka." He said. He sounded tipsy.

"Did you mess with her drink?" I ask raising my voice. "Wha..what?" He says. "Did you mess with her fucking drink?!" I say furiously. "She asked for it.." the man says.

"No you piece of shit she asked for water!" I say aggressively. I didn't want to talk anymore, so i left the place. "What about your food?" Was the last thing i heard from him before i slammed the place's door shut.

"Bella, this was a mistake. Its over eleven we need to get you home." I say entering my car. "What's wrong? Where are my cookies?" She asks me in a muttered way. "I'll get you cookies some other time Belle. You're wasted." I responded, starting the car. "What..?" She laughed. "I don't drink..im 15. Remember?" She laughs once more.

"The guy messed with your drink." I say driving through the town with barely any people walking the streets. "No he didn't! Ma-maybe.. he got it on purpose for another customer?" She says whining "That doesn't even make sense Bella. And we were the only customers." I say, worried for her.

"Here, drink some water. And have some gum, i don't want you getting in trouble." I say, pointing to her water bottle and handing her a piece of gum. "You don't want me getting in trouble or are you just scared of my parents?" She asks.

"I am scared of them Bella, but i don't want them to get mad at you for some other guys fault." I say.

We arrived to the neighborhood and she was too drunk to even walk, so i carried her to her house in bridal style and knocked on her door.

"Mr and Mrs Greene?" I say, worried for Bellas condition. They opened the doors within seconds and said "What the hell happened to her?!" Her father shouted at me, picking her up from my arms. "Her water, it was messed with at a cafe sir." I respond anxiously. "No no! You took her to drink?!" Her mom yelled.

"No Mrs Greene! She wanted dinner and the guy serving us messed with her-" i say before getting cut off. "No! You're forbidden from ever seeing our daughter again." Mrs Greene says while brushing away Bellas hair from her face.

"Mrs Greene please give me a chance to explain. I promise it wasn't like that-"

"You think this is some sort of joke?! Giving us our daughter back completely wasted?!" Her father yelled at me. "Sir no. The guy serving us seemed to be drunk on his job and-" before i could complete my sentence, her father held up my tie.

"Dad- no..he's telling the truth-" I heard Bella mumble weakly. Mr Greene put me down and before i could get another word in, the doors were slammed shut on my face.

I felt miserable. Was i really never allowed to hang out with her again?

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