I don't deserve this.

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I walk behind my family looking around, I've never been in a place this nice before. I literally lived in a basement most of the time. We make our way to the dining room and the table is gorgeous. It's a long black table, made to fit our whole family. There is a fancy chandelier hanging from the ceiling that sparkles from the light. And the chairs are greyish black, and are super soft.

I admire the beauty of the room, but get interrupted by Giovanni.

"Sweetheart come sit, I am sure you're starving after your travel." I give him a small smile. But I honestly feel like I was hit by a truck then thrown into a volcano.

I sit down in the empty chair next Matteo and Lorenzo. Dad and Alex sit at the heads of the table. I smell the aroma of steak and mashed potatoes. Even though I am hungry, the thought of eating makes me sick. I sit and stare at the food debating what to do. I just want too go to bed, even if it means sleeping on the floor.

"Mia, is the food ok, I can make you something else if you want," Lorenzo says. I look at him and for a second debate saying "Nah, I ain't hungry cause my lovely mother starved me." But remember my life.

"No, the food is great! I am just not really hungry." I say this trying to sound convincing. I am sure none of them believe me, but I couldn't care less right now.

"Sweetie you should eat something, I can make you something or have the maids do it." My dad says, with his eyes softening as he speaks.

"No, it's ok I don't want to cause a problem, plus I am really tired." I say.

"Insecure bitch." I hear Xander say under his breath. No one else heard it but I did. I don't give him a reaction though.

"Ok, how about I have Xavier help you too your room. Lorenzo can give you a house tour tomorrow." My dad says. I nod and say goodnight too everyone, but only get a glare back from Xander.

Xavier talks the whole way up the stairs; I listen to some of what he says. The rest I zone out on, it's a bad habit of mine. I zone out when people are talking about something that doesn't interest me. Not on purpose, but it comes across rude. Oh well, old habits die hard I guess.

We FINALLY reach my room, which felt like it took forever. I am definitely going to get lost in this maze-I mean mansion. He turns too me with a smile and opens the door.

My jaw drops for the third time today. The room is gorgeous, it is pink and white with a hint of gold. It has two floors, the first one has a couch with a blanket. There is a tall window looking into the backyard, with pink curtains draping over it. There is a tree with pink flowers in it, and a vanity with a huge mirror and chair that spins.

The second floor is even more gorgeous, there are white stairs leading up. Once you walk up the stairs, there is a white bed frame, with pink velvet sheets and a white cozy blanket. There is another big window with pink curtains draped over it. Fluffy chairs are in front of the window with a coffee table next to them.

But it still isn't over, there's also a huge closet. It is white with hints of pink in it. There is shelf after shelf, a big table is in the middle that is supposed to hold jewelry. And a chandelier hanging in the middle.

I walk into the bathroom and my jaw drops again. It is pink marble and white mixed together. It looks like a dream, this can't be my room.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock, tears threating to fall.

"This can't be my room, I don't deserve this, it's way too nice," I say. Xander was about to say something when Matteo leaning on the doorframe interrupts him.

"You deserve the world mi amore, and as your brothers we are going to spoil you." He says with a smile.

"I know, but this must've cost a fortune, you don't have to do this. You all are already so nice for taking me in. I can't accept this." I say looking at the floor as I talk.

Giovanni was apparently in the room as well, how are they so quiet I didn't even notice them.

"Mia, you are our sister, of course we are going to take you in. And since you are our sister, we are going to treat you just as the rest of us treat each other. But we might love and spoil you a little more." He says softly but sternly at the same time. I blush and look away.

"Understood?" Giovanni says with a smile on his face. I nod and smile at him. Everyone bids their goodnights too me, and I walk around admiring my room. I flop onto my bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I give into the darkness. 

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This is kinda what I envisioned! 

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This is kinda what I envisioned! 

Imagine whatever you think is fitting! :)


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