I am right here.

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Alessandro's POV:

"We need to take her to the hospital dad, I can treat her better there," Gio says.

I feel Mia's breathing slow down, and I see her eyes close. I smile and pull her closer to me.

Before Mia came, I was never a softy. I was harsh and cold. Don't get me wrong I love my siblings, but don't always show it.

 Now that she is here, I show my love a lot more. 

I like having her in my arms, it lets me know that she is safe.

But right now, I am furious. How could Emily do that to her own daughter. Sure she wasn't a good mom, but never abusive. 

I am so pissed that she is dead, it doesn't matter that she gave birth to me. Just because she is my birth giver, doesn't mean she earned the title of a mom.

I want to go punch a wall so bad right now. I could fucking go on a killing spree, but right now I have to focus on Mia. 

I know she is starting to trust us, and if she sees me beating a person to death that trust will be gone.

I can't believe I warmed up to her so quickly, but I feel so protective over her. Sure, I am protective over the whole family, but with her its different.

As I come out of my thoughts, I notice that Xander ran off to the warehouse, I am guessing to torture the guy. Xavier is sitting with Enzo while they are both looking at the wall. Their faces show sadness and anger. Gio is talking with my dad, while Alex is staring at Mia with a blank face.

I know he blames himself, as the oldest he feels more protective over us than anything. It is not his fault, he won't believe me if I say that though.

I hope some of those guys that Emily hooked up with are alive. I would love to have some fun with them. I will have to ask Mia.

As I am thinking Alex comes over and brushes the hair out of her face. He looks at her protectively, but also lovingly. 

I know after Mia gets taken care of by Gio, he will go torture that guy so badly. I work with him in the mafia and I can read him well, I know he is itching to kill that guy.

Speaking of, why was he even here? We will have to ask Mia, I don't even know who he is. Alex and Dad looked like they recognize him.

"Who was that guy?" I ask making dad and Gio look over. Alex and dad exchange looks, while Gio looks just as confused as I am.

"He was on the plane, with Mia, Alex and I. I don't know why he wanted to hurt her, I will ask Mia when the time is right," Dad says looking at Mia protectively. We all nod.

"Ok, Sandro carry her to the car, I will be able to help her at the hospital," Gio says collecting some medical supplies. I nod and mutter an ok. I transition Mia on my lap sideways, and she groans lightly. I smile and hug her closer to me; I start walking towards the car.

As I walk she starts to wiggle a little bit,  I start getting concerned when her face has a scared expression. 

I stop walking when she starts thrashing around, my brothers and dad notice me stop and look at me concerned.

"Gio, what is happening?" I ask him. He walks over and looks at Mia concerned. But then she starts screaming lightly, and muttering things. That is when it finally clicks, she is in a nightmare.

"No, no stop, stop!"

"I am sorry please don't!"


She screams more and my heart breaks. I start seeing red, and my blood boils. I look up and see everyone furious. I decide to try to get her out of that hellish nightmare.

"Wake up Mia," I say and then the rest of my family joins in.

"Bambina wake up!"

"Fuck, tesoro wake up!"

It looks like she hears us, but she isn't out of it yet. Finally, Alex decides to shake the whole house.

"MIA WAKE UP!" he yell.  She jumps and wakes up. She starts sobbing in my arms, and I hug her closer to me if that is even possible. 

My dad bends down and runs his fingers through her hair attempting to calm her down.

She stops sobbing but is silently crying in my arms. I stand up with her in my arms and continue walking to the car. I notice she is trying to stay awake.

"Go to sleep bambina, I am right here," I say softly while getting in the car. She shakes her head no, and clutches on to the collar of my shirt. I look at her concerned while my heart breaks.

"No if I do, I will see him again," she says quietly but Alex, Matteo, Xavier, and Dad hear it in the car due to the silence.

"Who amore mio?" Alex asks softly. I look at him shocked, not used to hearing him talk softly. She tightens her grip on my shirt and starts shaking.

"On-e of Emily-ss one night-t stands," she says stuttering and shaking. I tighten my grip around her, but making sure not to hurt her. I feel my eyes darken along with everyone else's.

"You can sleep baby, we are right here," Matteo says next to me. She shakes her head no and buries her face in my chest. My dad turns his head around from the front seat and frowns sadly while looking at her.

We arrive at the hospital, and I take her out gently with me. She wraps her arms around my neck, and legs around my waist. I support her with my hand, and rub small circles on her back.

 I start walking with my family into the hospital.

I hold her tight, making sure she feels safe. Gio walks us into a room, and gestures for me to set her down on the bed.

I nod and set her down on the bed. Once she is comfortably laying on the bed, Matteo pushes me out of the way and holds her hand tightly. 

I stand next to Matteo as he holds her hand. He rubs circles on her palm, and a couple of nurses walk in.

"No, I will take care of her, no one else," Gio says protectively while dismissing them. They nod and walk out.

"Ok, is there anywhere else you are hurt before I get started," Gio asks softly. Mia thinks for a second but suddenly nods. Xander curses under his breath, making me glare at him.

"Where?" Gio asks looking at her softly.


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