Kaz || The tortures of summer

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His leg was throbbing. So bad that both his leg brace and crow cane weren't creating much of an impact. It hadn't been this bad since the weeks after he fell from the roof, and he had no idea why. 

He had to keep an emotionless façade on now though, as Jesper's car rounded the corner. Of course it had to be Jesper's car...  he thought bitterly, his breath hitching nervously. 

Nina had to sit in the front due to motion sickness, and Kaz couldn't drive because of his injury. Either way, Jesper was too stubborn to let anyone else drive. This meant Kaz was often sandwiched in the back of the car between Inej and Matthias, forced to endure prolonged physical contact. 

None of his friends knew why he hated physical contact, and he was too stubborn to admit he couldn't stand being in the back. So every time he would have his silent panic attack, trying desperately not to cry. 

Jesper pulled up to his driveway just as he heard his guardian Per Haskell drunken yelling from somewhere in the house. He refused to call the man his step dad. He'd taken him in off the streets when he was nine, but he hated to think about it, especially since he was about to sit in a stuffy car with his crows. 

Thankfully however, when he yanked open the door, Inej was the only person sat in the back. Her hair was down, beautiful and long, flowing down her back and over the dark blue dress she had on. She was beautiful, laughing at some unheard joke from Jesper. 

Every time she laughed, he wanted to bottle the sound and get drunk on it every night. It terrified him. 

"Where's Nina?" He grumbled, trying not to bump his leg on anything as he climbed into the car. Matthias was in the front of the car in place of where his girlfriend usually sat.

"Demjin." Matthias greeted as Kaz shut the door. "And Nina had to stay home to do school work against her will."

Kaz was able to breathe somewhat normally now as he rested his leg without having to touch anyone, readjusting his gloves around the sleeves of his black hoodie, then his brace over his black tight jeans, laying his cane on the floor of the car.

Jesper pulled out onto the road, rambling on about school, which was starting again in a few days. 

A/N - Hi! This first chapter isn't my best work, but I'm trying to get into it, I know this is short. I'll try publish as much as I can. I have a rough plot line, but if anyone has any suggestions I'd be happy to try and work them in! :) 

- Sang x

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