11. book

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AEGON ENTERED THE ROOM, PLACING HIS SWORD DOWN BY THE DOOR. daena looked up confused at why he entered. He sighed as he walked into the room and flopped down on the bed 

"And when did I invite you in my chambers, aegon?" Daena said getting up from her bed. "I just had a rough morning," He said from his space on her bed with his face muffled as he was buried in the pillow 

"I don't care get out," Daena told her brother who groaned which made the older princess roll her eyes "Fine stay but I'm leaving," Daena said as she got up to leave but Aegon rolled over the bed to catch her arm 

Daean felt his cold hand on her arm which made her hair stand up. she felt nervous around him and could not know why. "Aegon" she warned. he smiled at her getting angry and yanked by the arm back on the bed to which she flopped on his lap "Aegon!" he scolded him as he laughed and held her down 

"Why do you want to leave so badly hm? am I truly that bad?" he asked with a smile on his face "Yes you are now let me get up fool" she said "gods be good" she said as she rolled off his lap he looked at her violet eyes again before speaking up "do you wish to go down to the city again?" he asked playing with the end of her dress with had a cute star texture that helaena made for her

"mayhaps we shall" Daena said "or you could stay with me and I could teach you more high valryain. mother said you forgot how to call sunfyre to stop moving" Daena teased as aegon groaned "Only you would wish to do that wouldn't you sister" aegon said grabbing the book from her bedside table 

"I already know this it's just that I forgot a lot," he says to her. Daena smiles before removing his hair from his face "Or do you just bury yourself in cups moments before you see our father and mother?" She asked as Aegon groaned knowing shes right 

He never had a good mother-and-son relationship with Alicent. Yes, she cared for them but was never there for the older siblings. She wanted to be there but didn't know how. sometimes Daena and aegon wish Rhaenyra could have been their mother 

"Zaldrīzes rȳbus, lo mērī udrirzi Valyrio eglio ȳdrassua (A dragon only listens if you speak in High Valyrian)" Daena told him. Aegon looked at her "Okay I get it your better at it then I am" he sid slamming the book closed and pushing it in her lap 

"Helaena is by far the best out of all of us," Daena said as she traced over the book cover with her slim fingers "Shes strange" aegon said as Daena hit him in the head "shes to be your wife show some respect" Daena said. Her voice sounded annoyed. aegon didn't know if it was for Helaena or him 

"Oh, mother already told you?" Aegon asked as Daena nodded and sighed. Aegon stiffed when Daena moved her head to lie in his lap. She had never done anything like this with him. He never really had anyone do this with him "Do you know when you are to marry her?" Daena asked playing with his necklace 

"Mother said when she is one and three," Aegon told her " Her next name day..." Daena said and aegon nodded "I'll admit I wish I could have married a different woman" Aegon said looking at her Daena rolled her eyes "Not this again brother she will be a good wife" She told him "I would not"

Aegon rolled his eyes "I know. But I need you by my side and I am sure Helaena will too we all will" He said braiding her hair. something that Helaena had taught him "What of our brother Aemond" Daena asked 

"What about that twat" Aegon asked laughing a bit about his new eye patch that he has "He needs his older brother," Daena told him "He doesn't like me, or you or anyone for that matters"

"I will admit he has been rather needy at times but he needs you aegon" Daena grabbed his hand "Very well, Meet me tonight with you handmaidens outfit again I'll explain everything tonight," Aegon said getting up from his space making Daena look at him confused

He grabbed his sword and placed the book next to her bedside table and opened her chabers doors before looking back and smiling as he closed her door leaving Daena alone again with her thoughts  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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