02. dragon

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Servants, Lord, and Ladies were rushing to get the day perfect for the young Princess. The day was special, especially after the birth of Princess Helaena Targaryen.

Daena loved her little sister. Her big, purple eyes glowed whenever she held her. her sister was quiet when she was born. Helaena barely cried which concert a lot of people at court nonthless Daena loved her so much, she would read to her and sing to her whenever she could alone time with her 

Alicent went to look for her little princess for her dress fitting when she noticed her chamber was empty, Alicent grew worried as she looked around the red keep aimlessly. 

Worry grew more and more when she tried to find her sweet baby girl "Where is your daughter" Alicent asked Viserys who was alone in his chambers by the fire place trying to heat up his would from the throne 

"Where's who?" Viserys asked as Alicent looked at Viserys in disgust, "Your eldest daughter, the ones who's name day is next morrow." Alicent spoke with venom in her voice

"Have you tried her chambers?" Viserys asked as Alicent shook her head indicating that she wasn't there. "have you tried the nursery or Rhaenyra's chambers, she likes to play around there," Viserys said turning his attention back to his wound

"I have tried everywhere; your daughter is missing!" Ancient whispered and yelled at him as Viserys sighed 

soon enough and a few hours later, the whole red keep was on high alert for the little Princess, Rhaenyra soon sent out her own guards for the younger sister. she too was worried and constantly looked out for her sister in the nursery 

soon enough everyone was in the council room waiting to her for Alicent's daughter to be found until Otto enetrd the room "Your grace" Otto said getting the sick Viserys's attention to look up 

"She has been found" Otto says as Ser Harwin enetrs holding the girl who was covered in charcoal like she had just been saved from a fire 

"Daena"  Alicent said softly with relief, as her daughter stumbled into her embrace. Rhaenyra let out a breath of relief as she relaxed back in her chair before Alicent cupped Daena's face "Are you hurt?" Alicnet asked dusting of charcoal from her daughters white gown

"Mama I told you I could do it"  She cheered happily in her mother's arms. "Sister was right he was so big and scary but I was brave I promise you I was" Daena said as she left Alicent's arms

A dragon keeper walked into the room "The Princess has claimed her dragon your grace" He said in high valerian. Rhaenyra and Viserys were shocked but Alicent had no clue on High valyrian before It was announced by otto 

"She has claimed the grey ghost grace," Otto Hightower said to the king. 

The Grey Ghost was pale grey-white, the color of morning mist. He was a notably shy dragon, who avoided men and their work for years at a time. His avoidance of people, and his ability to hide in clouds and mist, gave him his name. He didn't avoid Daena, though.

Grey Ghost preferred to feed on fish and was often glimpsed flying low over the narrow sea, snatching prey from the waters. He made his lair in a smoking vent high on the eastern side of the Dragonmont.

This shocked Alicent as she remembered listening in on her daughter's dragon lessons and hearing about every dragon, She knew the grey ghost was small but it was a wild dragon that could kill her sweet and precious daughter 

"A Wonderful Job daughter," Viserys said getting up from his chair to leave the room with a smile on his face "if his grace approves, I would be willing to give my sister dragon lessons." Rhaenyra offered  from her place 

"She would be safe with me" Rhaenra assured the glaring Alicent "I think the dragon keepers would do fine with her"  Alicent said picking up her daughter "Wonderful idea daughter"  Viserys says 

"My daughter shall train princes Daena final decisions" Alicent's words were useless against the King's words. she hated that. she hated being the Queen of nothing she didn't like how she had no say with her children and she did like how Viserys treated her children

the next day Daena's name day began with a tourney, knights from all of came in for it. Daena sat next to her mother and father with Rhaenyra in front of her beside her was laenor and Laena velaryon. Cousins of the Princesses

Laenor was betrothed to Rhaenyra and would soon be married which Daena was happy for. she hoped Laenor would be a good match for her sister, she hadn't got a chance to talk to Laena or Laenor.

however, she did get a chance to talk to Rhaenys and Corlys, laenor, and laena's parents. Rhaenys was Viserys's cousin named the queen who never was, Which Daena thought was so cool. She idolized Rhaenys for her confidence and admired Corlys's adventurous spirit even at age. 

Knights fell harder on the ground as the day went on, which made Daena's hand grips her mother's in nervousness 

The hall was full of people, with tables covered in food and drinks like it was a wedding. As the lords walked, many stopped to show respect or wish them well. Daena smiled at all of them while Rhaenyra made sly comments about them if they made any insults

Time passed quickly, and Daena wanted the day to end so she could go to her room. She got lots of gifts, mostly jewelry, and dresses, from high-born houses. Her favorite gift was from Rhaenyra who gave her dragon riding gloves for her 

She put them is a safe place in her chamber, she was so grateful for Rhaenyra's thoughtful mind in this castle of snakes.

The music changed from upbeat music to a slow soft dance and people gathered in the middle of the hall in pairs to dance to the soft music "I like to dance, I know you like to dance I saw it in my dream!" Daena exclaimed to Rhaenyra who looked ta her with an eyebrow raise 

"Sometimes I was never much of a dancer," Rhaenyar said picking up her cut and taking a sip of wine "People tend to be more entertaining while dancing," Daena said when she dragged rhaneyra by the arm to dance 

"Sister" Rhaenyra warned as the reached the middle of the hall "should I fetch Ser Laenor so you may dance with him?" Daena asked her sister as they held each other's hand to dance "No its alright" Rhaenyra told her

"Ser Harwin?" Daena asked again and Rhaenyra hit her on the head "No!" Rhaenyra said as she twirled her little sister around "I just.." she trailed off "I don't want men to ruin your special night" Rhaenyra said as her and Daena danced 

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