Disventure Camp GC - PART 2 (Alenick)

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*Lala went offline*

Ashley: So Nick, why aren't you in AS?

Nick: eh I couldn't be bothered to deal with you guys again, no offense.. to some I guess

Ashley: wow okay!...

Ellie: so what happened after you got voted off? Did you just go back to your parents house?

Nick: No. I bought my own apartment

Fiore: is "bri'ish" boy finally being independent?

Nick: you do know in Britain we still pronounce the "T" just not like you Americans..

Fiore: whatever!

Nick: anyway.. I bumped into Alec at the bar, still confused why he was there

Jake: don't you know? He broke up with his (ex) wife and she took custody of their son

Nick: oh

Alec: wait how do you know about that?

Jake: it's all over social media

Alec: well I'm not a social media freak like yku

Jake: atleast I'm not an alcoholic like you

Alec: ...

Hunter: okayyy- how many people from season 2 are here?

Ally,Tess,Aiden,James, Riya: Me

Aiden: ugh great.. riyas here too.

Riya: as if I wanted to be in this GC with you!

Nick: anyways Alec are you okay? Yk the divorce?

Alec: yeah I'm alright, it was like 2 years ago anyways

Nick: if you need anyone, I'm here for you

Gabby: aww ship!!

Alec: shut up.. we are still enemies.

Riya: are you guys thoooo? Would enemies be there for each other?

Alec: ..maybe some?..

Riya: well I sure wouldn't be there for Aiden!

Aiden: as if I'd be there for you.

Riya: whatever I'm gonna go offline

Everyone else: same here

*everyone goes offline*
284 Words: There will still be parts including alenick o just didn't have any ideas anymore 😭

Disventure camp GCWhere stories live. Discover now