Disventure Camp GC - PART 12 (GC)

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Hunter: so how was the reunion?

Ellie: crazy

Aiden: what happened?

Alec: well first, we had to do a challenge cause it wasn't a reunion it was another "season" I guess.

Riya: eugh.. thankfully I wasn't in season 1!

James: what even was the prize to winning?

: a trip to Hawaii with a person of your choosing

Riya: but that prize would've been great..

Miriam: well nobody won anyways, Trevor and Derek got arrested, again.

Riya: then im happy I wasn't there.

Aiden: are you guys still in the bus on the way back?

Nick: yeah

Riya: what are you guys doing? the WiFi isn't very strong in there from what I remember

Nick: me and Alec are just reading a book

Aiden: just the two of you?

Nick: yes?

Aiden: im starting to believe gabby

Gabby: hehe!

Alec: ?

Gabby: nothing!!

*in the other GC: "alenick canon"*

Gabby: aidennn they can't know about this group or anything we talk aboutt

Aiden: sorry it kinda just slipped out of my tongue-

Riya: anyways anyone got information about them orr?

Ellie: I overheard a conversation when we were waiting for the bus, fiore likes Nick since she doesn't lean on people to sleep but she leaned on nicks shoulder

Gabby: James update that to your notes app!

James: already did

Jake: Nick also have jealousy issues since he seemed jealous when Alec was talking to Connor

Riya: hold up. CONNOR?

Jake: right he was in your season

Riya: what was he doing in YOUR reunion?!

Tom: well we needed more people for the "season" so Derek brought Connor in so we'd be equal amount of people

Gabby: okay anyways.. add jealousy issues to nicks notes @james

James: i noted everything we've said down already

Gabby: okay anything else?!

Hunter: what if we like set them up? We say we're all gonna go to this cafe but when they are there we text we can't make it

Jake: good idea!

Ellie: alright let's do it tomorrow?

Everyone: okay!

*back in the normal GC*

Alec: hello?

Alec: why are you all typing on your phones yet nothing is sending?

Gabby: sorry the WiFi is bad, my messages won't send!

Ellie: yeah same

Everyone else (except s2 cast): same!

Alec: mhm

403 Words: lazy chapter but I literally wrote this on the way to school 😭 AND IM NOT EVEN AT SCHOOL YET but im almost there so yeah

Disventure camp GCWhere stories live. Discover now