Disventure Camp GC - PART 9 (alec saving fiore :3)

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(In this part, Tom is nice and not a jealous cousin, overprotective ex etc)

*alec calls tom*

Tom: 911, how may I help you?

Alec: I need your help Tom

Tom: Alec?

Alec: yes it's me, I need your help with fiore

Tom: did she do something?

Alec: No I want to report her parents

Tom: oh is it because of her abusive parents?

Alec: yes

Tom: on my way over there already, don't worry

Alec: thanks

*private chat with fiore and Alec*

Alec: fiore, Tom is on his way

Fiore: can he hurry.. I hear my parents fighting and every time they fight something bad is about to happen to me..

Alec: he'll be there as soon as he can, hide yourself in the closet or under the bed

Fiore: okay..

*6 minutes later, her parents hear police sirens outside. They quickly hide all the empty alcohol bottles and run to the door*

Mom: oh hello police officers.. how may we help you..

Tom: does a fiore Gonzalez live here?

Mom: yes... what's going on?..

Tom: we've got a report of child abuse at this house.

Mom: child abuse? We would never hurt our child!

Tom: well we can't just take your word for it, we need to search the house

Mom: absolutely not! Without permission you're not!

Tom: ma'am you do know this raises a lot of red flags?

Mom: I don't care

Tom: if you really aren't abusing your kid, you wouldn't have a problem using searching the house.

Mom: Well you're not coming in!

Tom: well lucky for us, we got permission from the landowner to search the house

Mom: No! You need permission from us! We own this house!

Tom: actually, you guys rented this house, which means you don't exactly own it

Mom: ugh.

Tom: we're coming in wether you allow it or not

Mom: you're not gonna find anything anyways

*the police officers including Tom search for 10 minutes before they get to Fiore's room. Fiore was hiding in her closet till she heard Tom's voice enter her room*

Tom: fiore? Fiore if you're hiding come out, it's me Tom

*she slowly gets out of the closet*

Tom: are you alright?

Fiore: right now yeah..

Tom: cmon I'll get you out of here

Fiore: thanks..

*tom brings her out of her room and downstairs*

Tom: ma'am and Sir, you're under arrest for child abuse

Mom: what! We didn't do that! Right honey?

Fiore: ...you did

Dad: nonsense! Tell the truth right now!

Fiore: Tom can you bring me away please..

Mom: you know this police officer?

Fiore: yes. Remember when you sent me to disventure camp? I met him there

Dad: I knew we shouldn't have sent you there!

Tom: please put your hands behind your back.

*tue other officers arrest the mother and father. Tom brings fiore to the adoption center*

Tom: fiore you're going to have to stay here till someone adopts you.

Fiore: okay..

*tom leaves, but as soon as he leaves, someone enters that looked familiar to fiore..*

Fiore: Alec!!

*fiore ran up to Alec and hugged him, Alec hugged back*

Alec: are you okay fiore?

Fiore: yes I'm okay

Alec: I've already signed the adoption papers. Let's go

Fiore: wait, you're adopting me?!

Alec: well I'm surely not leaving you here alone!

*fiore smiled as she continued hugging Alec*

Alec: let's go home

Fiore: okay!

*alec picked fiore up*

Alec: by the way, my house is burned as you know so we're going to stay with Nick

Fiore: British guy?

Alec: yes "British guy"

Fiore: okay!!

Alec: we emptied out one of his rooms and made it into your sleeping room

Fiore: I thought you were only living a bit with Nick

Alec: that doesn't mean you shouldn't have your own room

*fiore was very grateful, something she hadn't felt for a long time*

Fiore: how did you convince Nick to let me live with you guys?

Alec: pretty easy, I didn't even finish my sentence and he agreed

Fiore: wow that sounds like something doesn't it?

Alec: what are you implying?

Fiore: nothing!

Alec: mhm..

*they arrive at nicks house and knock. He opens the door*

Nick: welcome back d- Alec! And fiore are you alright?

Fiore: yes, why does everyone keep asking?

Alec: you literally got abused.

Fiore: right.. but I'm fine

Nick: come on, and fiore your room is upstairs on the right

Fiore: okay thanks

*alec puts fiore down and she runs to her room*

763 words: does anyone know what Nick was gonna call Alec heh 😼

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