Disventure Camp GC - PART 13 (Alenick set up/date)

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*next day*

Ellie: hey guys wanna go to a restaurant or cafe today? If everyone has time

Everyone: I have time

Ellie: alright should we go at 3 PM?

Everyone: sure!

Ellie: alright I'll make a reservation, it's gonna be under my name and gabby

Gabby: :3

Nick: which cafe/restaurant?

Gabby: let's do ******?

Alec: that works for me

Aiden: btw Alec, did your house get rebuild or are you still living with Nick?

Alec: I bought a new house since the old one was burned so bad it couldn't be rebuild..

Aiden: ohh okay

Riya: it's 2:15 PM rn so everyone get ready!!

*at 2:57 PM, Nick and Alec were already there*

Alec: where is everybody??

Nick: I don't know.

*in the GC*

Ellie: can't make it anymore

Everyone else: same!

Alec: what?? I thought everyone had time?

Riya: I don't anymore!


Nick: so are they coming?

Alec: nope, they don't have "time" anymore

Nick: what? But I thought they did??

Alec: not anymore

Nick: well should we just go home?

Alec ye- *he gets a message on his phone*

*in dms with ellie*

Ellie: don't let that reservation go to waste, spend some time with him!

Alec: what?

Ellie: cmon, we all know you like him.. it's so obvious

Alec: I do not.

Ellie: yea yea.. anyways enjoy your dateee!!

Alec: DATE?

*ellie went offline*

Nick: everything alright Alec?

Alec: huh- oh yeah.

Nick: should we go home?

Alec: actually.. let's stay, let's not waste this reservation right..!

Nick: yeah you're right

Alec: wait that explains why they only said reservation for two-

Nick: wait are you saying this was planned?

Alec: maybe-?

Nick: let's just ask to get a table, our reservation started 3 minutes ago

Alec: alright

*the host brings them to a table beside the window with a great view*

Alec: have you been here before? This looks like a place you would go to

Nick: yeah I have been here, it's a really cool place!

Alec: what food do you recommend? I haven't been to a restaurant in a while

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