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Okay so this part is just too clear stuff up and my hcs

Every headcanon added after the age, means the hcs were updated!

Alec: pansexual, he/him/they/them, trauma from his ex wife (touching, hitting, @busing, etc), his ex wife used to punish him by making him sleep on the floor with no blanket and pillow, @ttempt€d once to try and get away from his wife, 34, picky eater

Fiore: straight-ally, she/her, victim of child abuse/neglect (punishments for bad grades,bad behavior, etc (punishments such as no food, sleeping outside, hitting, etc), sees Alec as a father figure, feels bad for betraying Alec in s1, 8, picky eater

Nick: bisexual (men preferred), he/they/them, rich spoiled brat, quoiromantic (can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic attractions), was hated in elementary school for being rich, 30, jealousy issues sometimes

Jake: gay, he/him, gullible, easily trusts someone which ends up with him having bigger trust issues, 27

Ellie: bisexual (women preferred), she/her/they, used to work in the bar and sometimes got hit with glass by drunk people which gave her Cenosillicaphobia (fear of  an empty glass) and nelophobia (fear of glass), 25

Gabby: lesbian, she/they, Autophobia/Monophobia (fear of being alone), grew up with her aunt since her family didn't care for her, 24

Hunter: pansexual, any pronouns, got his skull necklace from his dead grandfather, is always thinking about his sexuality, his cousin is Tom but is ashamed on how he acts so he doesn't like to talk about it, 25

Tess: bisexual, she/they, both her parents died when she was 12 (she's an orphan), took depression pills because of it, anti-social cause people used to bully her, scopophobia (phobia of center of attention), had su!c!d@l thoughts, 24

Ally: bisexual, she/her, gets hate on her streams for breaking up with Hunter, thought about quitting her career and just disappearing, was called a huge nerd from elementary school to high school because of her wearing glasses, 22

Mean tom AU: gay, he/him, overprotective ex boyfriend, cherophobia (fear of seeing others happy), jealous of Hunter cause of him being the better cousin, 31

Nice Tom AU: gay, he/him, broke up with Jake but still on good terms, phobia of hurting someone ('s feelings), good terms with Hunter, will eat donuts ANYWHERE (THANK YOU carlzzqx FOR THE HC IDEA!!) 31 (there will be some chapters with nice Tom)

Ashley: straight-ally, she/her, helped will get over most of his fears, every since she accidentally set the barn on fire with a party she promised to never throw a party again, hangs out with lill and Nick sometimes, 26

Miriam: straight-ally, she/her, lives with Jake since she doesn't want to die alone, turopemmaphobia (fear of cheesecake), helps Jake with problems, 73

Aiden: gay, he/him/they/them, got bullied in elementary to middle school for dressing like a boy, transgender at 17, his parents were not okay and continued dead-naming him (and using wrong pronouns), 21

James: pansexual, he/him/they/them, was living in a racist city as a kid, his blogging (?) career started when he was taking photos of  random stuff and posting them, still deals with racist comments online, 24

Riya: lesbian, she/her, bullied in high school for being Indian, became mean in the end of s2 cause she was scared if she didn't win she wouldn't even be a background character in a movie, she feels bad for betraying Rosa Maria but is too afraid to apologize, 29

Dating so far:
Tess and Ally
James and Aiden
Gabby and Ellie
Ashley and Will

627 Words: I might add some other hcs later on but this is it for so far!

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