Disventure Camp GC - PART 4 (private chats)

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(To clear some stuff up rq, none of the people in the chat are dating!! The only ones dating are Ashley and Will and Gabby and Ellie, I'll do a clear up page for who has a crush on who etc)

*private chat between Tess and Ally*

Tess: hey Ally?

Ally: yeah?

Tess: do you feel like Hunter and Jake are becoming pretty close?

Ally: yeah, they haven't even met-

Tess: but Hunter isn't even seeing Jake's crush on him 😭

Ally: RIGHT it's kinda obvious

Tess: anyways but uhm that's not what I only wanted to talk to you about

Ally: hm?

Tess: I wanted to say I uh..

Ally: ?

Tess: I kinda have feelings for you

Ally: wait Tess, are you serious-?

Tess: mhm

Ally: I don't know how to tell you this but I..

Tess: it's alright if you don't like me back, I just wanted to get it off my chest

Ally: no no Tess, I uhm also like you back.

Tess: wait really?

Ally: yes

(Idk how to continue the conversation so it ends here 😭 and I might've lied.. wishley and gabellie aren't the only couple rn 🥰...)

*private chat between Alec and Nick*

Nick: Alec

Alec: what?

Nick: why do you like me so much all of a sudden?

Alec: uh what do you mean?

Nick: yk? The dares and the question??

Alec: still don't get what you mean..

Nick: look, in one of the questions where she asked who we'd date, you kinda chose me without any hesitation, and in the dare where you were supposed to tackle someone, you tackled me

Alec: yeah?

Nick: you hated me in s1

Alec: okay maybe my view on you changed so?

Nick: never mind forget I asked

Alec: alright

*private chat between Jake and tom*

Jake: hey Tom..

Tom: what?

Jake: I was wondering if you wanted to meet up again some day..? Maybe this Saturday..

Tom: I'm busy on Saturday sry

Jake: I thought Saturdays were your day off?

Tom: yeah I'm busy with other things

Jake: oh alright forget I asked

*private chat between gabby and ellie*

Gabby: hai ells!!

Ellie: hey gabs!

Gabby: don't you think Alec and Nick are a bit close for being enemies in their seasons?

Ellie: yeah, but I don't think they're enemies anymore

Gabby: yeah! Anyways wanna go to a vegan restaurant?!

Ellie: of course, anything for you gabs

Gabby: yay!! Tomorrow at 3 PM?

Ellie: sure!

431 Words: I don't have anymore ideas on who to make talk in private chats 😭 so I'm gonna end it here!!

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