Disventure Camp GC - PART 3 (Q&A)

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*everyone (including lala comes online)*

Lala: okay everyone we're doing Q&A's !!

Ellie: what type of Q&A's ?

Lala: just some questions and maybe we will do dares aswell :)

Aiden: what? I did not agree to this

Riya: womp womp! We're doing it so shut up

Lala: okay first question! What's your favorite snack (or food) from your country? (And say your country too)

Nick: I'm from Britain and I guess I really like scones

Alec: I'm half British and half Turkish but I'll just do both, from turkey I love sütburger (defo not my irl snack 🤭/ ooc) and from Britain I guess uh crumpets?

Gabby: I LOVEE Jeżyki!! And I'm from Poland (So sorry if I spelled it wrong! /ooc)

Ellie: I guess KitKat? And I'm American

Fiore: my favorite food is pizza! I'm half American/Italian

Miriam: I used to always eat maple candy! And if the maple doesn't make it obvious, I'm Canadian

Riya: my favorite food is pakora and I'm Indian

James: brigadeiro is my personal favorite and Brazilian

Aiden: I think I'd choose ketchup chips as my favorite and I'm Canadian

Tom: donuts. And Canadian too (I think donuts are American but cmon he's a cop 😭/ ooc)

Jake: I'm Canadian and I like bannock!

Ashley: uh I guess Reese's-?

Tess,Ally,Hunter: All 3 of us are Canadian and like history sticks

Lala: next question!! If you could be in a relationship with any from season 1 and 2, who would it be? (If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend just choose somebody else) and Miriam and fiore you guys won't answer this question cause uh just no

Hunter: uh- I'm just gonna guess Tess and ally don't count soo.. I guess I'll choose.. Jake?

James: whaaat? I can't choose Aiden? Whatever. I guess... I have no idea

Aiden: uh I guess I'll choose- Hunter??

Riya: I would not date anyone! But if I had to choose. I'd say Grett, I've seen that girl on social media with yul and I feel bad for her!

Jake: I guess I choose hunter back-!

Tom: I choose Aiden

Ashley: besides will, i guess lill

Ellie: I am not choosing anyone besides gabby.

Gabby: yeah me too! I will only choose Ellie!!

Lala: fine you guys are an exception

Alec: Nick ig

Nick: I choose Alec then!

Ally: I guess I'll choose uhm, lake??

Tess: Rosa Maria ig, I liked how she'd do anything for her daughter

(Side note: I don't ship most of the people, the only ones I ship are Gabellie, Alenick,Riyett and huntake)

Lala: alright last question!! What's your sexuality and your pronouns?

Jake: he/him, gay

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