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they open the door for you ( their/his crush ) | Hyung Line
Heeseung: - It was Heeseung's birthday, you and your friends were invited to go in his house. - Heeseung wasn't expecting you to go cause you weren't that close. - But when he heard that you were coming from a phone call with your friend, he started panicking every time he hears the doorbell. - "chill out, dude!" Jay said - "No! I can't chill out! My crush happens to be coming in a few minutes or even seconds at that door and I look like THIS!" He said and you could see his sweat all over his face - As they hear the doorbell ring, they look at Heeseung with a grin and he was confused. - "No! There is no way!" He said - "Hyung, come on! You can do this!" Jake pats his back - "Easy for you to say! You don't have a crush on them!" He replied - "If I had, I would've opened the door by the time they knocked." Jake laughs - They hear another knock on the door and they cheer him on. - Jay pulls him up and pushes him towards the door. - "I am gonna regret this.." Heeseung mumbles - He takes a deep breath and opens the door. His eyes meets yours and you give him a smile. - "I thought I was at the wrong house.." you chuckled - He turns away and hides his giddy feeling and turns back to you and smiles. - "Well, you're at the right place." He said
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- Jay was busy playing with his video game and suddenly his mother called him. - "Honey, come downstairs for a sec!" She said - "On it!" He said and runs down the stairs - He quickly runs to the kitchen and helps his mom. - "What do you need?" He asks with a smile - "Can you give this to the little kid out the door?" She gives him a pot of food - "Yeah." He smiles and puts a bread in his mouth - He opens the door only to find out that the little kid to be his crush (you). - "Y-Y/n!" He says with the bread still sticking out of his mouth - "Jay?" You tilted your head - He eats the bread quickly and goes back to you. - "I dirfn nou yuh lib haer!" He said with his mouth full - "It's not nice to talk with your mouth full, Jay. But yes! I just moved in with my family." You laugh - "Sorry! Here! Hope we become good neighbors..." he said awkwardly and gives you the pot - "Thanks! Uhmm yeah I hope to...?" You see him run back upstairs due to how awkward he was and you just laugh and close the door in front of you.
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- Jake was very nervous knowing that you were coming over, so he tried practicing with sunghoon some lines to say before you come in. - "Okay! You're gonna say hi, Y/n! Let me take your jacket! Come inside!" Sunghoon said - "Alright! Brr! Brr! Hi, Y/n! Let me take your jacket! You look amazing! Come inside of my heart!" Jake said as he giddies up as thought about you - "Delulu ass." Sunghoon laughs - They both hear the doorbell ring and Sunghoon signals Jake. - He stands up with confidence and walks to the door. - When he opens the door, all his confidence washed away once he saw you. - "hi! Y/n!" He said - "Hi, Jake!" You smiled - "Let me take your jacket!" He said and you were confused - "It's summer..I'm not wearing one.." you chuckled - "Yes, I did cut my hair this summer!" He said and you could hear Sunghoon slapping his forehead at the back - "Jake, are you okay?" You asked - "Come in!" He said with his voice shivering as you let out a laugh
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- He was sitting near the entry way so he could quickly open the door. He was patiently waiting and everyone was looking at him with weird looks. - When he hears the knocks on the door, he quickly opens the door and his smile faded as he saw the delivery man with their food. - "Ooo! Food!" His dad said and takes the food with him - Sunghoon continues to wait for the door and finally you knocked. He opens the door once again, happy to see you in front of him. - "Hi, Y/n!" He said and you smiled - "Hello!" You reply - Suddenly you hear dog barks from inside. - "Sorry, that's just my sister, Gaeul." He said and you were confused - He realized what he said and quickly corrects himself. - "MY DOG IS GAEUL NOT MY SISTER AAHAHHHAHA!" He laughs awkwardly - "Hoon, what's taking you so long? Close the door." His dad yells - "He's talking to the love of his life, Dad!" His sister yells back and he blushes as you chuckled
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