1. Feelings

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Riley's POV


There was a feeling that I just couldn't shake from my head, a really wrong feeling. It was about Val and I had no idea how to contain it. Every time I'm around her I feel weird and get all sweaty and jittery all of a sudden and I hate it. But surprising how much it shows up. My mind stops working and I start to stutter out random words. They fly out of my mouth, and sometimes I'm not even sure how to stop it. It's crazy actually. But anyways, I'm meeting her friends for the first time, I'm kind of nervous but hopefully nothing happens.

I get out of bed before throwing on some clothes, and fixing my hair. I wasn't too sure what I should do with it. I really wanted to impress Val, I tried braiding it and soon got frustrated before just throwing it into my regular pony, nodding at the mirror before I release a breath I feel like I've been holding for too long.

I walk downstairs, and grab some pancakes before sitting down with my parents. "So, got big plans for the day?" My dad said with curiosity in his eyes as he looks up from the newspaper he was reading. "Oh, just hanging out with Val and the team." I say as cooly as possible. "Well, have fun and tell Val I said hi" my mom said squeezing my shoulder, as she smiled and walked into the living room to finish her book. "Oh of course" I said smiling at her as she walked out. "Well, I've gotta go, love you kiddo" my dad said, smiling. "Bye dad, have a good day!" I waved. "You too!" He shouted as he walked out the door. I sighed before finishing my pancakes, and heading out the door.

As I got to Val's, I felt myself getting nervous but calming myself before knocking on the door. As she opened it, I gave an awkward smile. "HeY" I said before becoming red and quickly shutting my mouth. Val just giggled, and looked at me smiling before talking. "Um, come on in, they're really excited to meet you" she said before grabbing my hands and leading me inside.

As we walk through the house, we head up to her room and I see the whole group that Val had described. I stood there mustering up my best smile before waving. "Guys, this is Riley, one of my good friends" she said introducing me. One girl from the entire team stood up, and began introducing herself, and the whole team. They all smile at me, and we sit down and I feel oddly welcomed as I enjoy their company. I see one of them give Val a wink, before she continues a conversation with another fire hawk.
I become confused, but soon forget about it.

Val's POV

As I lead Riley into the room, my friends introduce theirselves as planned, before she begins to sit down and conversate with them. I'm actually really happy that she was able to fit right in. I then begin to step out into the other room to put my plan into action, but becoming really nervous. I see one of my friend wink at me, and I instantly calm my nerves down, becoming more calmer then I was before, I could do this.

I look back at Riley, and begin to smile. Her face lights up when she's talking about something she loves, her sparkling blue eyes that shine in the brightest shades, how her beautiful personality is, and her perfect pink lips, I want to kiss her so bad. I've always had something for Riley, ever since we met at hockey camp and I pulled her up from the ground after I tripped her. I cringe at that fact. But I looked into her eyes, and since then saw nothing but pure beauty, and I'm hoping that she'll feel the same, or everything I've been preparing for today would just be out to waste. I then confidently walk back into the room and torwards Riley, ready.

                                Nobody's POV

Val's walks back into the room, and I see her comming torwards me. "Riley, can we talk for a minute?" She says in what seems to be a nervous voice as far as I can detect. I nod, before following her, and the whole team seems to be giggling in quiet whispers. I become confused, and surprised at the behavior, but confusion tends to take over as Val leads me to the kitchen, before turning to me and looking me in the eyes.

"What's up Val, is everything alright?" I ask looking up at her. "Listen Riley, there's something that I've been needing to tell you for the longest time. And I understand if you don't reciprocate these same feelings, I just really, really can't hold them back anymore" she says. I can tell she's nervous as I put my hand on hers, smiling at her to try and calm her down, as I could tell she was in a nervous state. She smiles back at me, taking a deep breath before she continues.

She looks at Riley, and is ready to confess. She has practiced all week to make sure she could get the right words out, and now was the time to do so. "You're so smart, and you have the sweetest smile. Whenever I'm with you, it's always loads of fun and we laugh a lot. You always have the best jokes and always seem to calm me down when I'm sad, and replace that with joy. Since I've met you, I feel much happier. It's almost as if you brought a light into my life I never knew I needed until I had it." Confessed Val. She stopped and looked at Riley to make sure she hasn't caught her off guard or anything.

Riley was blushing, and very flustered. She tried to hide it, but it seemed to be no use. Could Val actually like her back? While all of these thoughts went through her mind, she looked up at Val to find her staring, confusedly. She soon calmed herself down, and managed to get her words out. "Val, what are you saying?" She said.

"I-I really like you Riley" Val finally confessed "and I wanna know if you feel the same"

Riley began to become red all over, and stared at the floor. She froze, and had no idea what to say. She couldn't believe her crush was actually asking her out. But Val seemed to get the wrong idea, and also looked down before scratching her back and getting ready to walk out. "Um I see, I must've got the wrong idea haha, catch you later Riley" she said as she began to walk out.

"Val, wait." She said before doing what she thought was the unthinkable. Riley grabbed her, and Val came to a stop before turning around. Riley looked her into the eyes before giving her a peck on the lips.

Val looked at Riley, and pulled her back in for a kiss. This time longer, it was passionate but sweet. She slowly moved her lips along Riley's as they continued to kiss. They slowly pulled away, and Val started to rub Riley's jawline with her thumb as she put their foreheads togethor and stared into her eyes lovingly. She smiled at Riley, and she began to smile back.

"I really like you too" confessed Riley. " I'm just really sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I had no idea if you would feel the same way, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship"

"But Riley, it's okay because I do. I've liked you since we've met. Of course it maybe wasn't as strong at first, but as we continued to get to know eachother and bond, I found that connection become stronger, and my love for you only became stronger" Val said hugging her waist. "So I was wondering, would you like to be my girlfriend?" She said looking at Riley hopefully.

"Uh, duhh" said Riley before bringing her into a hug. Val chuckled at her new girlfriend's silliness. She hugged her back as they stayed their for a moment, content within each others arms before letting go. "You ready to go back up?" Asked Val

"Yeah, let's do it" she said grabbing her hand as they started up the stairs back to Val's room. As they opened the door, everyone seemed to be staring at Val as if she would answer all of their questions. I became confused as I also looked at Val.

I soon picked up the pieces, and Val looked at me as if asking for confirmation, I nodded. "Yeah, it's official. Me and Minnesota" she smiled. I blushed at the nickname.
Don't forget to go check out the new Riley and Val imagines I just came out with ;)

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