2. Game

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It was Riley's first game of the season, and she was sitting on the first row of bleachers with her teammates, hoping her girlfriend would show up. The game would start within the next fifteen minutes, and Riley was anxious. She wanted, no she needed her to be here. "Come on Val, where are you?" Riley murmured to herself looking at the clock.

Val was stumbling around. She totally forgot to set her alarm the night before, and here she was along with her other fire hawk friends in the room who had just woken her up a minute ago as a reminder that Riley's game was today. She threw some jeans on, and stumbled to the kitchen to grab something to eat before she left.

"Val, there is literally no time, she needs you to be their" her friend points out. "Omg I know, I know she's gonna hate me so muchhh"  Val said sitting down, and covering her eyes, softly pouting to herself. "Val, she won't. She will love that her girlfriend just showed up for her, that she is their for her and that's all that will matter" said one of her friends putting her hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "She's right, Riley won't hate you Val if anything you might be overdoing it a bit" another one pointed out smirking. This made Val laugh a bit as she stood up.

"Okay, I'm ready." Said Val confidently before heading out the door. "Good, now we better hurry so we don't miss it." Said one of her friends as they headed out, and to the game.

Riley was now here with her head in the game. Skating across the ice as sharp as eyes could stand, and kind of mad as she felt her girlfriend just ditched her, and she didn't care. She skated with rage. What she didn't know, is that Val just showed up, and was taking her seat right next to Riley's parents.

"Hi Mr, and Mrs. Andersen, how are you guys? It's been a while." She said smiling at them. "Oh, we're great you know just the usual things happening" Riley's mom said mustering up a smile. "I hope Riley's not mad at me, I texted her that I was here but I don't think that she got it since she's on the ice, I feel so bad for being late" Val said. "Yeah, we've just been kind of worried I mean we think that she's skating kind of angrily," Riley's dad chipped in. "Wait, what?" Said Val now worried.

"We're just hoping that even though she's angry, she's aware and won't hurt herself or someone else.When Riley's angry, it can sometimes be dangerous to herself and others, it's scary because we know she can't control it sometimes, poor girl." Said her mom with sympathy.

Just as she said that, Riley had accidentally managed to hit the puck in another players chin. It slipped right under the helmet, and the player went crashing down on the ice as the coach and a few other players came crowding around him. Riley soon became self aware of her actions, and as she came back to reality she was looking to the stands. She felt as if everyone's eyes were on her, and she started to hyperventilate and become scared.

"Take a time out Andersen. Now." The coach had suddenly spoke sharply, with sternness in her look. "This isn't like you." She then continued as she shook her head and went back to the boy who got hit.

Riley soon skated off the ice, and sat on the bleacher part. She had no idea what to do, or how to feel. And soon enough anxiety took over her. She began to tremble, and shake as her breathing became hard.

'I'm a terrible person' her mind kept telling herself 'I don't deserve this'

Tears began to stream down her eyes, but she cried as silently as she could as to not draw any attention. She felt bad for hurting the boy, and even worse to think that she was capable of such harm.

                                  Val's POV

It was almost as if the whole thing had happened in a flash, one moment she was on the ice and the next somebody down as people rushed over to see what the problem was. But I watched Riley, I was worried for her. I saw her begin to freak out, coach saying something before Riley skated off of the ice, and sat on the bleacher. She began to have some type of attack because she was hyperventilating, and was she crying? Oh no, I need to get down there now. I was about to get up before Riley's mom spoke.

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