4. A date

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It was Riley's first week at school, and having to get used to getting up in the morning still felt exhausting to her. But at least she could see her friends, and even her crush Val Ortiz. She blushed at the thought.

"Ughhhh, getting up is torture," Riley told herself rubbing her eyes awake from sleep. "And nothing a good breakfast can't fix," her dad said as he walked in grinning. "Hey dad" Riley said before fixing her hair up into a usual ponytail. "What's up" she asked before finally fixing her eyes into her dad. "Your mom has fixed up some oatmeal for breakfast, might want to catch it before it gets cold," her dad

"Sounds great dad, I'll be down in a minute" said Riley. "Alright monkey, see you down there" replied her dad walking out.

Riley sighed, she was going to get through it. She was going to go to school, ignore all the people who attempt to say rude things, and survive. She could do it and she'll be okay...right?

Riley walked down the stairs, greeting her mom and slipping into her chair to eat breakfast. She was eating at such a quick pace that even her dad was questioning everything was alright. "Uhh Riley, you might wanna slow down a bit while you're eating so you don't end up choking," her mom reminded I'm an awkward tone. "Oh, yeah right" said Riley as embarrassment slipped onto her features.

Riley then finished, and was headed off to school. Waiting for her friends to meet her at the entrance.
"Rileyyy, you will never guess what happened to me last night, it was terrible," Bree dragged dramatically
"So I was on a call with Nathan, right?" And as soon as I was finally getting comfortable talking with him my voice cracked, I hung up right away and now he won't like me ever again because he's probably embarrassed of meee" she sobbed.

"I'm told her it was ok, he wouldn't stop liking her because of one small voice crack istg this girl," Grace said shaking her head. "Bree she's right, literally just talk to him," Riley added. Bree immediately stopped sobbing, and her dramatic mess came to a quick pause along with her features brightening. "Riley that's genius, you're the best" she said bringing Riley into a big hug. "Like I didn't just suggest that to her beforehand," Grace added looking way in a humorous disappointing look.

Riley just laughed, and then suggested they get onto school before they were late. She then saw Val talking to her friends, as they approached them. They came to a stop and Val looked up. "Oh, hey Minnesota what's hanging today," she said walking up to Riley.

"N-Nothing t-to serious here, what? Guys haha," she said becoming nervous and flustered at how close Val was to her.

At this she chuckled, and looked to her friends then. "Hey guys, it's been a hot minute," she said greeting them. "Hey Val, same here," Said Grace as Bree agreed.

They all started talking and catching up, before Riley and her friends walked into the school. "Val, you have to ask sometime," reminded her friend. "I know, I know" she sighed "I was going to today, but I guess I kind of got nervous and well it got the best of me, and what if she rejects it our friendship would be so awkward then" she pointed out, before sighing. "Listen Val, I know your nervous but you can't keep this to yourself forever you have to get it out at some point and if she rejects it, I would be damned because Riley seems to feel the same way, I see the way she looks at you Val, that look is pure puppy love" she replied chuckling.

"You really think?" Val asked. "I'm sure, how would you feel about making a plan to do it during lunch, I think Riley would love that." Her friend said. "Alright, I'm in" she smirked.

Lunch rolled around, and Riley was sitting at the table with her friends. They were all laughing at something that they had found on Bree's phone.
"It's so sad and funny at the same time," laughed Bree. "I know right like how do they just get the dog to do that," Grace replied digging into the chip bag beside her.

"Guys, I have the best idea ever," Riley suddenly burst out in excitement. Maybe a little too loud as half the cafeteria looked at who had made the noise as Riley sat down covering her mouth in embarrassment. "Whoops, sorry" she said with clear redness on her face.

Her friends laughed at Riley's silliness before urging her to tell her what her idea was. "We should dress up as mean girls for Halloween."  Riley had said.
"Omgg, we should that's such a good idea!" Bree said with clear excitement on her features too.

"Yeah, I could do Gretchen, Riley you would make a good Regina and Bree could do Karen smith," of course we probably don't have the same personality, but I know it's like our all time favorite movie and could just be done for fun.

"That would be awesome," nodded Riley in agreement to their plan.

"Plus I think Bree would make a good Karen smith," smirked Riley. "Yeah I can totally see it," Grace said with an agreeing smile as she joined Riley in on the joke.

"Not funny you guys," said Bree as she crossed her arms. "I mean if you just add the blonde hair," continued Riley. Soon Bree picked up on the joke, and was now also finding this kind of humorous herself.

"Yeah right guys," she said before making an L symbol above her forehead. All 3 girls just burst out laughing as they continued their lunch.


Val had finished and was now prepared, they had approximately 7-ish minutes before lunch ended and this would be the moment she would ask Riley out in that date. She was clearly nervous, and it wasn't helping that her friend was telling her there would be nothing to worry about.

She slowly took a deep breath before heading out to her locker, grabbing the grabbing the flowers her and some of her friends had picked out before the big ask.

She walked back into the cafeteria, and to her table. "Look Val, I know you're nervous and by the look is telling you it's gonna be fine had not really helped, has it?" One of her friends replied. "Not really," said another "Val what she means to say is, you've got this. You've been wanting to ask for over a week and bows the time. All you have to do is go up to her and ask her out to dinner, it's not like your confession just yet until y'all are ready for that, but at least she'll get the hint about how you feel about her,"

They were right, of course Val felt like she was out of her mind. But she could finally then find out how Riley felt about her, and who knows, maybe it wouldn't be as bad.

"I'm gonna do it, that's what," Val said smirking confidently. "Their you go, that's the confident girl we know, now get out their,"

Val walked up, flowers hiding behind her back. "Hey Riley?" She had called softly.

Riley looked up, and as she did she saw Val. With her perfectly wavy hair, and that stupid cute smile she always wore. Those mesmerizing eyes that she always found herself getting lost in, and finally that smile that felt like a thousand souls could be lighten up by, but still mad her feel safe.

"Hey Val, what's up," she had asked with curiosity. "I got these for you," she said sticking them out to Riley quickly, and momentarily freezing as her face began to become red.

"Uhhhh, thanks," She replied a bit confused but took them with gratitude. She then looked back up to Val wondering what was up.

"Uhm, I came over here to ask if you, if you maybe wanted to like go get some ice cream sometime, or like hangout just us two, not as a date of course! Unless you are fine with that, I mean it doesn't have to be i wouldn't force you too go on a date with me if you didn't want to, I mean just to hang out. As friends." She said smiling awkwardly but trying to keep her calm composure as she finished rambling out her words.

"Sure, I'd love to go on a date with you," Riley said smiling. "Wait, really?" Val asked now more calmer then before. "Of course" replied Riley. "And thanks for the flowers, they smell really nice" she said as a rosy red had painted its way onto her cheeks. "I guess I'll pick you up later?" Asked Val as it became more of a question.

"Yeah, for sure" replied Riley. "Cool, cool" said Val before walking off a bit flustered from what she just encountered. Riley had a stupid smile on her face, as she was staring straight at her walking off.

"Well that happened," said Bree smirking. "She totally likes youuu omg I ship!" Said Grace suddenly becoming hyped up.

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