8. Jealousy

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Riley walked up to school, excited to show Val the cool new dance move she made up last night by herself.

She went to their original spot to find that the girl wasn't there. She was confused, Val was always here along with her other friend always engulfed into some type of conversation.

And even if she wasn't, her girlfriend had always texted her when she knew she was gonna be gone that day. Like ALWAYS.

She may not have found Val, but who she did fine was Alondra. She walked up to her already prepared to ask the question, just hoping she had the answer.

"Hey Alondra, Have you seen Val anywhere?" She asked as the girl turned torwards her.

"Oh yeah! I saw her and Dani walk towards the computer lab. Some project they said they were supposed to get done by the end of the week,"

"Thanks Al," Replied Riley with a smile

"Yeah, no problem" she replied with the same amount of kindness back.

Riley walked torwards the school, she had exactly 10 mins before class started so she thought why not and made her way to the computer lab.

It felt kind of weird that Val would be working on something, especially with Dani. But she just brushed it off, and let it be.

She made her way there, glancing through the window just to make sure that Val and Dani would be in their before heading in. She saw them before making her way in.

"Oh heyyy Ri," said Val as she quickly shoved something under her papers upon seeing her enter the room.

"What's going on?" Riley had asked staring between the 2

"Oh, we're just studying for this huge project thing for class," Said Val giving a nervous laugh as she made a glare at Dani.

"Oh, yeah yeah of course. Studying." Dani agreed as she mustered up her best smile hoping they wouldn't seem to suspicious.

Riley just shrugged before dropping the subject as she went back to her main point. "Anyways Val, I've got something really cool to show you after school. I just figured out something new that I can do with my shoulders," she said with a smile

"I bet you do," Val said laughing as she shook her head.

"Anyways I'm going to head to class, see you guys later!" She said pecking Val on the lips, and waving to Dani

"Bye," Val spoke up as the door suddenly came to a shut.

"That was really close," mentioned her friend as the blonde had walked out.

"We need to be more careful next time, I really want this to be perfectly planned out for her." Said Val before taking the things back out, and setting them onto the table. "You think you could come over this week so we can finish the plan?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind that! She smiled over to Val. "Also she's gonna love it, you're such a great girlfriend to her." She mentioned putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. Val smiled.


Riley walked to first block in confusion, the two had seemed very off earlier when she walked in and Val was quick to move something, although she wasn't sure what or where it ended up. She decided to just shrug it off, walking into class.

Later that day riley headed to lunch, determined to get to the line early so she wouldn't be caught waiting a while.

As she approached the lunchroom, she saw Val and Dani talking some, and laughing as she spotted her girlfriend put her hand on Dani's shoulder. This made her feel kind of uncomfortable, this was not okay to her. She felt that it started the second she had walked into the computer lab.

She got into the line, sighing as she placed her tray down waiting for the food to fall onto it. As she walked up to the table her thoughts were clear. Val didn't care about her too much? Fine with her. She went and sat by Alondra instead.

Val looked over at Riley, confused as to why she didn't sit by her. She always sat next to her girlfriend, it just felt so different this time.

They continued their lunch, talking and goofing off. But Val kept real quiet, still hurt from the actions.

Later that day when school was over Riley had walked home. Val told her that she was busy with homework, so going over there definitely wasn't an option.

As she got home, she laid on her bed staring up at the ceiling before checking to see where Val was. She checked her location on snap and saw that she was at Dani's.

"Great. Now she's probably cheating on me," Riley said as tears came to her eyes.

"How are we liking this one, Val?" Mentioned Dani as she looked at the 2 promise ring options.

"Honestly I'm not sure, would the silver or gold one be best?"

Their were 2 options on the online store that she had found herself liking the most. There was a dainty, but cute gold one with a flower craved to the side of it. The other one being a simple silver with your option of initials carved into the ring as a matching set.

"I think I'm gonna go with the silver ones, that way I can add our initials onto it," she said smiling at the choice she made.

"I think we're ready," she smiled agreeing with her friend.

The next day as she walked to school, she saw Val and her friends talking at the entrance. Val glanced over and saw Riley within her view. 'It's now or never, right?' She thought to herself as she took a deep breath exchanging glances with Dani.

As Riley walked up to them, Val was the first to get down on one knee before bringing up the poster. It read- Riley, would you want to make a promise to be mine forever and forever?'

She gasped at her girlfriend, not believing her eyes. She stood in literal tears before her as Val quickly got up and gave her a hug.

'Wait....your cheating on me with Dani," Riley pointed out

"Cheating? Hun I would never of course not," she said stroking her cheek softly.

"But you lied to me. Telling me you had homework when you were at Dani's instead. The moment in the computer lab, and the touching during lunch,"

"That explains why you didn't want to sit by me," Val said to herself more than Riley "Ri, I would never do that to you. We've been together a lot because I was working really hard to make sure I had this moment perfect for you because well, I wanted to give you this,"

She held out Riley a ring, a very beautiful one. It was a promise ring with the initials R+V engraved on it. A stunning color that was so gorgeous to her eye's.

"Wait...this isn't a proposal, is it?" She asked feeling kind of stupid but had to know just to make sure

"No, of course not! We're not exactly at that point, especially in our age," she said becoming flustered "this is actually a promise ring. I promise to be yours forever until we actually get married, would you take this?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Val had slipped the ring on her finger, already wearing hers before leaning torwards Riley and giving her a passionate kiss. She had kissed her back as Val then dipped her bringing her back up.

She smiled at her as they broke apart the next minute. "I promise to be yours for eve too," she spoke back to Val, smiling and holding their eye contact.

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