6. First argument

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Riley was gliding across the ice, puck in range to be able to make the score and become the winning team.

"Riley, over here!" Val had yelled from across the ice ready to catch the puck when needed.

Riley was about to hit it over when a sudden thought came to her mind, maybe she could score this goal by herself. Everyone in her team was already mad at her from not allowing them a chance with the puck most of the time, as Riley always seemed to have it not giving them any chance of even touching it.

She decided to take matters into her own hands, she had skated forward with the puck blocking out everyone who tried to come near it as she made her way near the goalie.

"Riley! What are you doing?" Val had yelled seeming a bit angry at her girlfriend's antics. She couldn't believe it.

As Riley got closer to the goalie she was about to hit it in and make the winning shot! When all of a sudden, up from behind her 2 members from the other team had swooped in and grabbed it.

She had rushed after them, but was not fast enough before they ended up making it into the other goalie. It was no use, they had officially won the game.

Riley had thrown her helmet on the ground, making a mad grunt noise as she walked off the ice. Now she lost the game, and worst of all the entire team was probably mad at her.

As she had leaned on the side of the bleachers to get a sip of water due to the sweat buildup, Val suddenly walked up to her. She looked angry.

"Listen Val, I am so sorry. I-" she started but Val just stopped her there.

"Sorry? Riley, you just lost us the game! You were being kind of selfish out there, and it didn't help that you felt doing it alone could've helped you." Val said sternly with a hurt but angry look in her features.

"Me selfish? I was trying to help you guys out! We actually scored a lot of points because I was there!" Riley said now matching her girlfriend's anger.

"Riley, you just don't get it! These points count moving forward, they count on us as the fire hawks, I hope you know that. I could be taken off from being the leader of the group because of the performance today. There was no teamwork, and we almost got a penalty point. I've worked so hard to get where I am Riley. Really, really hard." Val blurted out as a tear went down her cheek.

She didn't even look angry anymore, just numbness filling her features, and hurt as she looked up at Riley.

"Val, I didn't mean to-" Riley said reaching out to touch her shoulder to comfort her, but Val just pushed it away.

"Forget it, I'm going to take a breather, don't follow me I really need some time alone to think"

Riley just stood there before sinking onto the ground as she started crying. Her head down on her knees, she didn't know what to do.

After a half hour of sitting there, Bree and Grace had walked up to her happy to see that their friend was here as they had been looking for her.

"Riley, you alright?" Asked Bree putting a hand on her shoulder

Riley looked up at her two friends before laying her head back on her knees

"Nooooo, Val hates me. The team hates me. Everybody hates me."

Bree and Grace shared a look of concern for their friend before getting down to Riley's level.

"I'm pretty sure they don't hate you, sure you were handling the puck most of the time, but it's fine" Said Grace giving an awkward smile trying to make her feel better.

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