Styx II

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The pirates' anguished cries were drowned in the tumultuous roar of the tempestuous current, an unyielding maelstrom that immediately dragged the three individuals beneath its unforgiving depths.

Amidst the violent torrent, the captain grappled with the relentless forces of the maelstrom, while his breath was stolen by the merciless onslaught of water.

Desperation drove him to gasp for air, only to swallow the relentless deluge, making it twice as difficult to stay conscious as the water kept draining his energy and life.

With his strength waning, Luffy was forced to relinquish the woman he had valiantly clung to, but in the end, her limp body was swallowed by the waters, carrying them away in a separate direction. 

Weakened and disoriented, Luffy continued to fight against the forces of the chaotic depths, striving to reach the Oracle despite his dwindling energy.

Jinbei, used his strength to capture both the captain and the woman, however, the chaotic swirl of the whirlpool disoriented him, making it impossible to discern up from down. Helplessly, he followed the unrelenting flow of the water, hoping it would lead them to safety.

Because, "If this was the entrance, the exit must be on the other side" Jinbei ceased his futile struggle against the current, allowing it to propel them forward at a breakneck pace.


The navigator watched in horror as her captain's Vibre Card was rapidly being consumed by flames, releasing a frantic scream that jolted her crewmates to the perilous situation. The Straw Hat Pirates focused menacingly on the relaxed Mink, who remained fascinated looking the three bodies disappear amid the abyss.

Dr. Terkchak got rapidly surrounded by a hostile crew, the sniper readied his weapon as the cyborg detached his hand preparing the ammunition that the young heroine had previously given him; while Nami looked disconsolate trying to be appeased by the cook, whose blind faith in his captain prevented him from even thinking that this would be the end... Robin on the other hand, focused her attention on the ancient Poneglyph, delving into its mysterious text.

The Mink experienced an abrupt shift as the swordsman, seized him by his blazer and hoisted him off the ground. Zoro's intense gaze met the calm, green eyes of the panther, his stern expression made his warning clear.

"OI, YOU DAMN PUSS, WHY ARE YOU SO CALM?!" Zoro voiced his agitation, demanding an explanation for the feline's calm demeanor. However, Terk remained inexplicably composed, bewildering the swordsman.

"They're safe, calm down... Watch..." He tried to appease the swordsman with his claws pointing at his navigator's fingers.

Just as the Vibre Card neared complete incineration, the flames underwent a transformation, shifting to a deep purple hue, as the paper was restored to its original size.

Nami's anxiety and confusion mounted. "What's happening?" she uttered

"Does it restore itself like this?" The reindeer asked intrigued, as he kept his hybrid form, taking a closely look at the paper in Nami's hands.

"No." The archeologist stated. "Vibre Cards heal with small scabs until they are restored again... This is different." Robin explained as she saw how the Vibre Card finished returning to its original form and then turned her attention to the intimidated panther.

Still engrossed in the dimly lit inscription on the Poneglyph-like wall, Robin spoke softly of the revelation she had uncovered. "We need to die in order to live..." As soon as she articulated her interpretation, the panther congratulated her with a proud smile, indicating that she understood the reference, thus revealing why he wasn't worried about the situation at all.

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