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The hypnotic aroma of the captivating heroine lulled the once-frightened inhabitants of Lemuria into a deep slumber, rendering them unconscious and vulnerable. The group of humans felt uneasy about attacking their now-helpless hosts.

"Stop! We don't want to fight, and neither do you!" Koda commanded, hoping his ability to communicate with animals would deter the agitated Minks. Unfortunately, it proved futile, as the Minks remained hostile.

Desperation coursed through the gentle hero as he struggled to establish a connection with the agitated creatures.

Koda rushed to his injured teacher, who bled profusely from his wounds. He aimed to aid Present Mic with the help of Cellophane, who used his Quirk to create tight bandages around the injured areas, staunching the flow of blood.

Meanwhile, Momo saw their surroundings and noticed the Fish-men fins moving swiftly across the bay.

"Everyone, stay away from the water!" The vice-president warned.

She created several shields from her torso, ready to protect them from a potential onslaught of lethal water-based attacks.

Deku's heart raced as he realized the terrifying power of their adversaries. During their former moment of fun, he witnessed how they could effortlessly manipulate the water; and translated into battle it could form a devastating wave that would leave the heroes vulnerable in the depths.

"Earphone Jack, we need you to keep track on the Fish-men movements." Deku spoke in a hushed but urgent tone, directing his request to the heroine...Then, his eyes were fixed toward the two remaining races, unaware if they possessed any unique abilities that might pose a threat.

Deku's emerald eyes widened in fright as he witnessed the Minks' palms generating small electric shocks that coursed through their bodies. Simultaneously, the feline Minks extended razor-sharp retractable claws from their fingertips, reminiscent of hooks designed to effortlessly tear through even the thickest of skins.

The water that had flooded the area parted, formed various dry temporary pathways created by the tiny creatures running at incredible speed. In a blink of an eye, the sleeping bodies of mermaids, mermen, and Minks vanished, leaving only the heroes.

"We have the hostages!" The Tontattas yelled, carrying the unconscious Merfolk and Minks in small groups.

"They're fast!"

"HOSTAGES?!" Iida couldn't comprehend how this situation had escalated to hostages when their initial intent was to avoid a violent confrontation.

"No! You're misunderstanding; we didn't hold them hostage. We just didn't want them to harm us." Ochako explained earnestly, awaiting a response, but she was interrupted by one of the Tontattas.

"Keep your distance! The drunk woman can make anyone within her range faint!" The dwarf in charge of the rescue party warned.

"We're not looking for trouble!" Ochako clasped her hands, closed her eyes, and shouted with sincerity, hoping to convey the message to her playmates. "We don't belong to the Straw Hat fleet, but we are their friends!" She added with her hand on her heart, trying to capture their attention.

"Friends... We were playing with them just moments ago." The lilac-haired mermaid spoke apologetically.

"Are they allies?" A squirrel-like Mink inquired, filled with doubt.

"Lakona! If they are allies from the surface..." An octopus merman attempted to reason with the imposing bull shark Fish-man.


"Wait, maybe it's true. Why else would they be travelling the Straw Hats?" A young Mako Merman shark chimed in, striving to introduce reason to the situation.

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