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"Give me a moment, I'll be up with your order.." I said to the customer as I headed back to the kitchen.

It had been seven years after the incident with my brother and to say I was uneasy since then was an understatement. I had gone to therapy as soon as I settled down in the city to no avail. Nightmares constantly to the point that no medication would help me sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I felt as if someone or something was watching me. It kept me on my toes. I had gotten a job at a cafe in the city as cliche as that sounds but what other option did I have? Jude had destroyed everything due to his selfishness and pride and I never got to college. All I had to rely on was my high school degree.

Living with the supernatural had become such a normal thing that no one cared. I thought I wouldn't associate myself with demons but that was the territory that I had the most luck in. Everywhere else proved difficult to stay in. I'd done research on how to conceal my marks and they made products for that..can you imagine that? And to make matters worse, humans willingly gave themselves to these demons if it would have their wishes and needs met. I imagined not everyone approved of this hence the concealers.

I finished my shift at the cafe and headed home. I stayed on the outskirts of the city since it was better like that. I prefer staying alone to avoid explaining that I had Demon marks on my body. I didn't want to relive that day again, so why the hell should I keep explaining why I got the marks? I wanted peace and I had found it. My house was no mansion but it was manageable. Things in this area were not as expensive which made everything easier. I even had hot water and it was throughout the day. Though I have a feeling it's because my landlord was a Demon. She simply saw us as the little pets that she was taking care of. She scared me every time she came out for a chat and what's more, she kept a human as a pet. His name was Dave. He claimed to love how she was treating him but I doubt it. Well, whatever sweetens your tea I guess.

I took a shower and decided to relax on the couch. That was my daily routine. It got boring at times but I couldn't complain. I kept telling myself that He would come and collect anytime and everything would just fall to the ground and I would be dead or worse.... Trust me, at this point, I would welcome death at any time if it gave me rest.

The world was divided into territories now. When the demons decided they wanted free reign in the world, the other supernatural beings decided to do the same. In this case, they took huge portions of land while they clustered humans in various spaces. We might have fought for our lands back, but could you fight the very beings who promise to make your life better? They took that will from us the moment they opened the gates of hell. Where one would make a wish in payment of his or her soul. Vampires offered better lives in exchange for blood, witches would offer counsel and medicine, healing, and curses in exchange for something they wanted. Werewolves... Well, they were special, they preyed on others just because they could.

When everything had become chaotic because of how humans became desperate especially those who suffered under the system in place, they made territories. By living in those territories, one was assumed to agree to all the rules in that area. Who wouldn't consider a life of luxury in exchange for their souls, their blood, or their bodies, hell people would sell their people for a taste of that kind of power. Not me though, I wasn't even given a choice in the matter. Fuck Jude and I hoped that he was burning in hell.

"Avery, I need you to cover for Paula, she called in sick and I am not sure if there is anyone else around to do so." My manager said,

"I need to be somewhere today, I don't think I can." I lied. I didn't want to cover for Paula, she was bitch and chances are she was wasted to even bother coming to work. She'd be caught dead before she covered for anyone in this place.

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