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"Is he awake?"One voice said.

"I think so.... We should leave before Master gets here." another said.

"I have never seen a human with such clear skin, he is so pretty." another voice said.

"Don't touch him. Master Sydon will burn your hands if you do." the murmuring didn't stop and I wanted to tell them to be quiet but I couldn't. My body wouldn't move. The last thing I remember was having that man save me. Where was I ? Hell? Heaven? Purgatory? Why couldn't I wake up? These questions couldn't stop burning and churning in my head. I needed answers. That is if I could wake up.

I am not sure how long I slept. The sun had risen when I finally woke up and the man from before was seated right in front of me, watching me with a smirk on his face.

"Good Morning Bunny, had a nice rest?" He asked clapping his hands.

"I guess... how long was I asleep for?" I asked looking around.

"A few days, you had so much blood loss I thought you wouldn't make it. It would have been a shame though, dying without testing out what belongs to me." He said.

"If I may, what would a demon like you want with a human like me? By looks of it you are not a low-ranked demon, nor could I classify you as higher?" I asked sitting up now facing him.

"Don't get it twisted. I will not come up with a stupid reason that you are somehow special and all that, I was looking for a pet and you fell right on my lap. I didn't even have to do anything. A gift like that to a demon is cherished." He said. "Disappointed?"

I wish I could say I was. My mind kept going over to that night. To see if I had missed something. Then again, my brother had no reason whatsoever to do what he did.

"I do not know how I should feel, to be honest. So will you kill me, torture me, skin my body?" I asked almost laughing. Who the hell finds this kind of predicament amusing?

"Like I said, killing you is the last thing on my mind right now... what I want is to see how effective my marks were on you... but not to worry, I will give you time to adjust to your new life." He replied.

"So to put it simply, I am to stay here and entertain you for as long as you will have me?" I asked.

"Precisely. I suggest you do not think of running. Many would give to have this opportunity." He said standing up and leaning closer to me.

"I didn't have much of a choice did I?" I whispered looking up at him. There was something sinister about his smile that made my body tremble for all the wrong reasons.

"No, you didn't. Be a good Bunny and you'll get rewarded. My staff will come and help you clean up. Tonight, you must outdo everyone in the ball." He said kissing my forehead. "Alana, you can stop spying now. Prepare the boy and keep him occupied, any mistake and I will have your head, or worse give Sytry a go"

"Yeah, yeah, keep that creep away from me." The girl said walking in with other maids I would guess. I sighed and laid back on the bed. Jude would probably hang himself if he knew the kind of life he signed me up for.

The girls did their work diligently. They didn't speak to me or look at me. I was so fucking uncomfortable and infuriated. Had he told them not to make any form of conversation with me?

"If you are going to be with me, you can either talk or get the fuck out... it's so annoying that you keep sizing me up when you think I am not looking then whisper among yourselves." I said turning to face them.

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