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In the quiet stillness of a moonlit night, Sydon stood at the edge of the cliff overlooking the city lights below. The bustling sounds of human life drifted up to him, mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. His thoughts, once turbulent and conflicted, now settled into a profound sense of peace.

It had been years since he first met Avery, the human who bore the mark of his demonic lineage. Sydon had never imagined that he, a prince of Hell, could find such completeness in the arms of a mortal. Avery had been his anchor, his guiding light through the tumultuous journey of discovering what it meant to love and be loved. The human realm had become their sanctuary, a place where they could be together without the weight of expectations and responsibilities that burdened Sydon's princely duties. They had built a life filled with laughter and quiet moments of shared understanding, finding joy in the simplicity of everyday pleasures.

As Sydon gazed at the stars above, he felt Avery's presence beside him, warm and reassuring. The mark that once symbolized a pact now stood as a testament to their enduring connection, a bond that surpassed all boundaries of race and realm.

Turning to Avery, Sydon brushed a strand of hair from his beloved's face, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the life they had created together. "We've come so far," he murmured, his voice a soft caress in the night. Avery smiled, his eyes reflecting the shimmering lights of the city below. "And we have so much more to discover," he replied, his hand finding Sydon's and intertwining their fingers.

For Sydon, the prince who had once roamed the depths of Hell had found his greatest treasure in the heart of a mortal named Avery. And as they walked hand in hand into the future, they knew that their love would endure for all eternity, a testament to the power of love that knows no bounds.

"Are you sure this is going to work Kai... What has Saleos been teaching you?" Avery said as he looked at Kai skeptically.

"You have little faith, my friend. The outfits look good on you and they are bound to make your men wild with need, what's the problem in spicing things up once in a while." Kai said.

"You are the one to speak, I have kept Leviathan waiting for long and it's showing. He is taking Prince Sydon'd traits... I am not sure if I can hold on much longer." Tristan said.

"Sydon is losing his mind too. I fear for my ass after listening to you Kai, I am not sure I want to anymore. I released the harem by sending them to a vacation far away and guess who went knocking at their door? They can't keep up. If it were possible for men to get pregnant they would have been by now." Avery said pacing.

"Relax tonight is going to be wonderful," Kai said.

"Saleos traits are rubbing off on you," Tristan said.

"It's the Season of Burning Desire and I don't know who the fack named it like that... But I don't think I can keep Sydon at bay for that long." Avery said.

In the ancient annals of Hell's history, there exists a period whispered among demons and feared among humans as the Season of Burning Desire. It is said to occur once every millennium when the celestial alignments align in such a way that Asmodeus, the Prince of Lust, ascends to his zenith of power. During this season, which spans a fleeting but intense three nights and three days, the very air crackles with an electrifying aura of seduction and temptation. Demonic revelries reach feverish heights as Asmodeus, with eyes aglow like embers of desire, casts his potent influence far and wide.

For humans in contact with him or his generals, passions ignite like wildfire. Hearts that were once dormant now beat with an insatiable hunger for carnal pleasures, driven by urges that defy reason and restraint. Lovers find themselves ensnared in a dance of irresistible attraction, their desires magnified to a fever pitch under Asmodeus's watchful gaze.

The Season of Burning Desire is marked by an intoxicating blend of ecstasy and danger, where all willingly surrender to the allure of forbidden desires, oblivious to the consequences that may await them. A time when love and lust intertwine in ways both exquisite and perilous. Yet, as swiftly as it arrives, the Season of Burning Desire fades into the shadows once more, leaving behind a trail of whispered tales and lingering yearnings.

"We won't get to that," Kai said menacingly.

And true to Kai's word everything had gone to shit. The hall turned into a full-on orgy much bigger than the first night Avery had been claimed. Everyone was out of their minds. Sydon held Avery close to him as he claimed him while his court watched. He was fulfilling what Avery asked for long ago.

"Does this fulfill your desires, my love?" Sydon whispered in Avery's ears.

"More than you know... You should reward Kai for this" Avery said leaning close to Sydon as they watched the courters indulge in the lustful aura they had created.

"You are meant to be mine," Sydon said.

"Yes, I am," Avery replied leaning for a Kiss.

"It would seem Luci has found a new pet," Sydon said as Avery looked at Prince Lucifer's side and smirked.

"This should be interesting," Avery said.

"Don't go corrupting the boy yet," Sydon said. "Are you happy Bunny?"

"Yes, I am... More than you think. Thank you for everything." Avery said.

Sydon and Avery found solace in each other's embrace. The echoes of their tumultuous journey whispered in the wind, a testament to the power of love to conquer even the darkest of destinies. In that fleeting moment, they knew that together, they would forge a new path—a path where love, unfettered and unyielding, would reign supreme for eternity.

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