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My life had taken a positive turn when I came here. Looking back at it, this place had given me so much more happiness than I have ever had in my life. Jude had cursed me and at the same time given me a blessing as weird as that sounded. The girls and I bonded more than I had hoped. When I told them about Sila and how he reacted when he walked in on Sydon and me, we'd spent the night drinking and bashing him. He'd become unbearable after that and I wanted to beg Sydon to terminate his contract and give us some peace. I knew it was not in my place to wish for something like that but I was sure he had his reasons to keep him around. Thinking of Sydon brought joy into my heart. It made my body warm and I was all for that feeling. He meant so much to me and it had been two months. All my happiness was owed to him. I never wanted to leave his side.

So tell me why, I was in chains gagged, and blindfolded to what seemed like a bed. My heart raced like a wild stallion, pounding against my ribcage as if trying to break free. The room felt suffocatingly small, the air heavy with the scent of fear and desperation. Every breath was a struggle, each inhale bringing in a taste of dread and uncertainty. My hands trembled uncontrollably, bound tightly behind my back, the rough ropes digging into my skin. Panic surged through me in relentless waves, threatening to drown out any rational thought. The sound of footsteps outside the door sent shivers down my spine, each creak of the floorboards echoing like a death knell in my ears.

I strained against my restraints, desperate for any chance of escape, but each futile attempt only fueled my terror. Time stretched on endlessly, a cruel reminder of my helplessness. Tears blurred my vision, hot and salty against my cheeks as I silently pleaded for deliverance from this nightmare. Every second felt like an eternity, each heartbeat a painful reminder of my captivity. At that moment, trapped and alone, I could only pray that someone, anyone, would come to my rescue before it was too late. Did Sydon decide to end me like this? If this was some sort of foreplay to test, I was so not into it.

"My my, watching you shake as this brings me so much pleasure," Sila said and I cursed. I knew he was feeling aggrieved since the day I humiliated him but I did not expect him to take things this far. His laugh sounded vile to me, sinister. It was evident that I was either living in this place dead or barely breathing. I promised myself not to give him the satisfaction of my fear or pain.

"Don't touch him yet, I need to go through the shit I went through in that sadistic demon's claws." I knew that voice... it couldn't be... he was supposed to be dead...

"Jude? Why are you here?" I asked panicked, "You were supposed to be dead.."

"Dead you say, I was better off dead than the hell I was put through." He said odiously.

"How is that my problem when you are the one who went making deals with the devil? You sacrificed our entire family for your greed." I shot back.

He leaned close to me removed my blindfold and slapped me across the face. It stung so much I could feel tears pooling in my eyes but I held them back. I bit my cheek to avoid making any sound. I looked at his face and gasped. His face, marred by hideous scars, bore the cruel imprint of the torture he had gone through. The jagged lines crisscrossed his skin, pulling his features into a permanent mask of asymmetry. One could barely recognize him. His eyes had a crazy look to them and it shook me to the core.

"Brother mine, you have no clue what I have been through. What a surprise it was when I heard you have been living like a princess cared for by the very demon I condemned you to. So you must pay.."

"You want to kill me for a life you gave me on a silver platter, Do you know the hell you had put me through before I came here? Watching people I love die mercilessly and killed by the very person I thought cared for me, for us... and you," I looked at Sila, "So what you felt fucking humiliated, How many others did you humiliate, ridicule and treat like shit, you had the chance to live your life out gracefully, no worries at all but no... you had to fuck shit up and help this asshole. You have just sealed your fate for as soon as he kills me you are next."

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