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"Oooh Sydon... what are you up to?"Vale walked into my office as usual.

"Don't you have a house?" I asked him not even looking at him.

"Don't be like that, ever since you got you got your pet you have been missing out on the little games of torture we play," Vale said pouting.

"Well, he has me occupied and I can't just leave him," I said. "Besides he is simply perfect. Completely compatible with me."

"Who kept teasing me about getting Kai? Levi is just as I am. Don't tell him I call him that. He could never admit it but I am sure if someone touched Tristan, he would lose his fucking mind." Saleos said casually sitting on my couch.

"Leviathan is way more obsessive than I am and that is saying a lot. At first, I thought it would be a fling, simple destruction, but the thought someone can touch Avery, me does not even get me started." I said.

"I hear he has been keeping Sila occupied and that Minx is losing his patience," Focalor said serving drinks for everyone.

"He can lose his mind for all I fucking care as long as he does not touch Avery. If he does, I am going to have a field day with him." I said firmly.

Truth be told, Avery had come to mean to me more than I could say. It has been two months now and he still excited me. Still brought joy to my heart whenever I saw his face. In this wretched place, I could say he was like my light. The only good thing to happen in my life. After the great fall from above, we were shunned, ridiculed, and turned into monsters. We simply embraced the name. I wouldn't say I was proud of what I did but what can I say, I cannot help it that humans seek power from us in exchange for their souls. When we decided to settle on earth, it was simply because we were bored. Angels have done the same though they remain hidden. We are demons, after all, damned to the abyss one way or another, so when a good thing comes to us, we question it. We wonder if we are deserving of these good things.

Avery may have not had a choice when he was bound to me, but he seemed okay now with the idea of being with me. If he decided he wanted to leave, I wouldn't stop him. However, I would go back to being the hollow creature I once was. I would do anything to keep him in my life and not regret a thing.

"Though you need to look out for this Sila. Something is off about him." Vale said.

"I know. Focalor.. Keep an eye on him. Anything suspicious you tell me immediately." I said. I was not worried. Since that night, Sila had been in a foul mood. It was getting on everyone's nerves but it was not the right time to get rid of him for his contract was not yet done. I may be a Prince and a powerful demon but I took contracts seriously. A demon's contract in the past typically entailed a binding agreement between a human and a demon, often formalized through a ritual or written document. The human would summon the demon, usually through sacrifices, to negotiate the terms of the contract. The agreement would specify the services or powers the demon would provide in exchange for something of significant value from the human, commonly their soul, lifelong servitude, or a series of tasks or sacrifices. The demon would then be bound to fulfill its part of the bargain, while the human was compelled to uphold their end, regardless of the consequences. The contract often had a finite duration, at the end of which the demon would collect its due, leading to dire repercussions for the human if they failed to comply or attempted to renege on the agreement. 

As tempting as it was to simply kill him and tear him limb by limb watching his body turn cold, I was waiting for the perfect opportunity. Plus he hadn't done anything big enough that Would make me cancel out his contract. He was walking on thin ice and everyone knew it. With humans, they become emotional when they don't get what they want. Give them a little piece of what they want and you have them right where you needed them. It was so easy to control them. He was going to slip up at some point and boy was I right.

"My Prince, we seem to have a problem..." Focalor said panicked.

"Speak up.." I said.

"Avery seems to be missing." He said taking a few steps back.

As I stood on the edge of the balcony, the realization hit me with the force of a tidal wave. My heart pounded in my chest, a frantic rhythm that echoed the urgency of the moment. Every breath I took felt shallow as if the air itself was being sucked away by the gravity of my fear. The cold sweat that slicked my palms was a stark contrast to the burning anxiety searing through my veins. What was this feeling? Could demons even have fear? Was I afraid of losing Avery? At that moment, I was paralyzed by the deep, primal fear of loss. It was as if time had slowed, each tick of the clock hammering home the impending reality that I was powerless to stop.

"That is a problem. It would seem I underestimated Sila but much am going to have so much fun with Him." I said my aura turning dark. Take my Bunny, I think not. I would make him bleed. I stormed out of my room as the beast inside me kept clawing to get out. Killing was all I could think of. My dear Avery, he must be so scared. Every step I took made the ground shake and my aura still more grim making everyone tremble. This was my house damn it and I'll be damned if I let filth defile it. Oh, Sila must you push me this far? It had been a long time since I went all out. I was salivating at the thought of it.

The thought of losing Avery whom I deeply cared about, an intense wave of anger surged through me replacing the fear I had before. Yes, this was more like it. It was as if every fiber of my being was set ablaze with fury. I felt a tight knot forming in my chest, my breathing became shallow, and my heart pounded furiously against my ribcage. My hands clenched into fists almost involuntarily, and a storm of thoughts whirled through my mind, each one more charged with frustration and helplessness than the last. I could feel my muscles tense up, and a flush of heat spread across my face. The thought of Avery being hurt was unbearable, and this profound sense of impending loss ignited a raw, searing anger that I couldn't contain.

"You will bring the whole house down if you don't calm down," Leviathan said placing his arm on my shoulder. "Well find him... He can't be that good at hiding. Sytry is tracing his scent as we speak."

"I can't fucking lose him," I said clawing on the wall. "Luci keep that snarky comment in your mouth or I will reap out your tongue..."

"I would love to see you try..." Lucifer said and I smirked.

"Wanna try me?" I replied.

"Wilol you two stop. Lucifer, stop agitating him, in his current state, he just might pull out your tongue."Leviathan said. "Don't look at me like that, you'll grow a new one."

"Okay...jokes aside, I may not know what the bot means to you but we will find him. It is rare for us to get lucky when it comes to this emotion called love. Fuck, even the sound of it makes my skin crawl." Lucifer said.

I stared at him. Was I really in love with Avery? Looking back, it was like a series of subtle revelations slowly piecing together a picture I had been too blind to see. At first, I dismissed the flutters in my chest when I saw him smile or the comfort when I came home and he was happy to see me. We spent countless hours talking about everything and nothing, laughing until our sides ached, and losing ourselves in each other's bodies. The thought of him not being a part of my life was unbearable, and in that instant, I knew. He had been my anchor, my confidant, my other half, and I had been in love with him all along. Was I even capable of love?

"We found him," Sytry said.

As soon as I heard Sytry's words, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me. I could finally breathe easily again. Mmmmh let the games begin then. People would bleed and I would have a field day. I would turn everyone who hurt my bunny into an example of when not to touch what belongs to me. I was Asmodeus Prince of Hell damn it. Those who dare defy me will learn the true meaning of despair. I will unleash a fury upon them so fierce that even their souls will beg for oblivion. Prepare for the abyss to gaze back into your soul, for vengeance is a dish best served in eternal torment.

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