Chapter 2: First Demon and Magic

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Name: Minoru
Race: Summoner
MP: 350/350

Resistances: [Physique][Dark]
Weakness: None

Strength: E
Endurance: E
Magic: E+
Agility: E
Luck: C-

Skills: None


When I glance at my parameters, my expression tightens. For me, absolute power shouldn't be confined to mere statistics. But here I am, reduced to numbers and letters on a screen.

"Burroughs," I say, my voice tinged with irritation, "what do these parameters mean? I have an idea about some of them, but I'd like a full explanation."

"Of course, Master Minoru," Burroughs responds promptly.

Burroughs begins, "Your Name and Race are self-explanatory, MP stands for Magatsuhi Points, indicating the amount of Magatsuhi you can harness and expend from yourself.

Resistances show that you have increased defense against physical and dark-based attacks, while Weakness indicates areas where you are particularly vulnerable. You currently have no weaknesses, which is a significant advantage.

Strength, Endurance, Magic, Agility, and Luck are graded from F to EX, with F being the lowest and EX being the highest. Strength determines your bodily might in terms of power, Endurance your ability to withstand damage, Magic your capacity to use and manipulate magical energy, Agility your speed and reflexes, and Luck influences your chances of favorable outcomes.

Finally, Skills are abilities you have acquired. Currently, you have none, but as you absorb more Magatsuhi and encounter various demons, you can develop and learn new skills."

I take a moment to process this, the possibilities swirling in my mind. Before I can delve deeper into my thoughts, another question forms. "Burroughs, just how powerful am I right now?"

Burroughs responds promptly, "With your current strength, you could destroy medium-sized buildings and constructions, such as large factories or supermarkets. And if you wished, you could use magic to obliterate multiple urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space."

I stare at the screen, stunned. I knew I had become more powerful, but this is beyond anything I imagined. The sheer scale of destruction I could cause is both exhilarating and terrifying. Yet, what shocks me the most is that this level of power is considered "Rank E."

"If this is Rank E," I muse aloud, "then what on earth would Rank EX be?"

The thought sends a shiver down my spine. The potential for growth, the heights of power I could reach, are staggering. This world, with its demons and Magatsuhi, is a playground for someone with ambitions like mine. The power in shadow I've always aspired to be is now within my reach.

I can't help but smile, excitement bubbling up inside me. The journey ahead is fraught with danger, but also filled with opportunities. Every demon I defeat, every bit of Magatsuhi I absorb, brings me closer to my goal.

"Thank you, Burroughs," I say, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "This information is invaluable."

"You're welcome, Master Minoru. Remember, I am here to assist you in every way possible."

I nod, feeling a deep sense of resolve. I need to reach the National Diet Building, but in this twisted Vortex World, its location might not be the same as in the real world. Still, I have to try. I take a moment to recall the direction it should be in and steel myself for the journey.

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