Chapter 8: Return of the Stylish Ruffian Slayer

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The demon shrieked as I drove my sword through its heart. It has a humanoid body with the head of a snarling wolf-like creature. It is clad in golden armor on its arms, legs, and chest. A green cloth drapes around its lower half. Its body convulsed before dissolving into Magatsuhi. Another Kobold, a pitiful demon of the Jirae race. As it vanished, I muttered to myself in frustration, "No skills, nothing useful from this one either. These demons that manage to get to Earth are way too weak. I guess if they were all Onis, Tokyo wouldn't last long."

I sheathed my sword and surveyed the area. The alley was dark and narrow, the perfect hiding spot for these lesser demons. The city felt unusually quiet tonight, the only sound being the distant hum of traffic. As I stood there, I couldn't help but recall the conversation I had with Captain Aaron before leaving the City of Fortune.

"Minoru, you need to understand the significance of the Kuzunoha clan," Aaron had said, leaning back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "The clan is divided into four main branches: Kyouji Kuzunoha, Raidou Kuzunoha, Geirin Kuzunoha, and Abe Kuzunoha. Each branch has its own unique history and responsibilities, but they all follow the same ritual of succession."

I remembered nodding, absorbing every word. The idea of being part of such a legendary clan was still surreal to me. The Ritual of Succession, as Aaron explained, was a brutal process. It wasn't just about finding the next leader; it was about proving one's worth, often in the most dangerous and challenging ways possible.

"But why are they so insistent on such harsh methods?" I had asked, genuinely curious.

"The clan believes that only the strongest and most capable can lead," Aaron replied. "It's a way to ensure that the next head of the clan is someone who can handle the immense responsibilities that come with the title. It's not just about power; it's about wisdom, resilience, and the ability to make tough decisions."

As we had talked, I felt a mixture of excitement and dread. While I loved the idea of participating in the ritual, I really didn't want to become the next Raidou Kuzunoha. After all, it would completely ruin my dream of becoming an eminence in shadow and my reputation as a mob.

I walked through the dimly lit streets, lost in my thoughts, I almost didn't notice the commotion coming from a nearby hangar. Voices echoed off the metal walls, and curiosity got the better of me. I crept closer and peered inside through a broken window.

Inside, a group of thugs surrounded a young boy and a girl. The boy stood protectively in front of the girl, his fists clenched and his stance defiant. There was something about him-the way he stood, the determination in his eyes-that screamed protagonist. He had that aura, that undeniable presence of a hero standing against the odds.

"Leave her alone!" the boy shouted, his voice steady despite the fear I could see in his eyes.

One of the thugs laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. "And what are you gonna do about it, kid?"

I felt a thrill of excitement. Finally, a chance to play the role of the shadowbroker. But then I remembered Aaron's words about keeping a low profile. I couldn't afford to draw too much attention to myself. So I'll hold back

Quickly, I pulled out a black outfit and a hood from my bag. As I donned the disguise, I muttered, "Burroughs, activate stealth mode."

The COMP on my wrist began to shimmer and fade, eventually disappearing entirely. It was a neat trick Aaron had shown me after he returned my COMP. The stealth mode rendered it invisible and undetectable, though I could still feel its presence. To deactivate it, I only needed to say, "Stealth mode off."

"Alright, it's showtime," I whispered to myself.

In an instant, I was on the roof of the hangar. Wait a minute, this is the same place where Nishio had been taken after being kidnapped. They even repaired the window since then. No time to lose-one of the thugs was about to punch the boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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