Chapter 2

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I arrived at the hospital feeling sick what if danny hates me i mean i speak to grace and charlie every night grace has started to call me pops which is an amazing feeling but what if danny wishes i was dead.
Steve i heard chin say as he stood in front of me hi i said as he hugged me tightly you look good brah he said as i smiled softly you ready he said as we walked to dannys room excuse me who are you this snooty nurse said as chin glared at her im danny williams medical proxy i said choking up she stared at looking angry i showed her my id she nodded and walked away. I walked into the room and seen danny he was so still i then turned and seen the kids grace was staring at me sobbing gracie i said as she ran full force into my arms she hugged me tightly oh baby i said as she sobbed i want danno she cried i know baby but hes asleep ok he needs to heal uncle steve i heard charlie say from the chair near danny grace stepped aside as i gathered charlie into a tight hug missed you he said hiding his face in my neck i missed you as well ace i said kissing his head. Chin took the kids home for the night leaving me and an unconscious danny. I sat beside him and grabbed his hand danno its me steve i said voice sounding faraway. Im sorry danno so fucking sorry i said feeling tears falling you gotta wake up danno the kids need you i need you I fell asleep holding dannys hand.
I woke up to talking i opened my eyes and seen danny surrounded by doctors whats going on i asked worried out of my mind well its a miracle the older woman said looking shocked what is i asked confused his vitals are rising she said so can he be transported to chicago i said worried she grinned and said yes she left the room muttering to the other doctors.
I dont know if you can hear me danny but ive made a decision ok me you and the kids are moving to chicago for good so you take your time healing because danny i need you to fucking be ok im not leaving you ever got it danno i said and kissed his hesd softly.
I left the hospital that evening and drove to chin and malias there you are chin said hugging me i walked in and seen kono lou tani and junior all staring at me hi i mumbled as lou grinned and pulled me into a tight hug hi brother he said as i relaxed slightly you look good old man tani said as she hugged me tight junior cried as he hugged me making me smile softly. You left kono growled out glaring at me im sorry i said standing in front of her you didnt tell me she cried out kono your my sister blood or not ok and danny nearly died because of me and i was toxic i needed to leave him for him to live i said crying your not toxic she said grabbing my arm your my big brother and yeah danny did almost die but he wouldnt blame you he would never blame you steve im sorry i said as she hugged me tightly me too bro she said softly wheres the kids i asked after a while malias got them outside chin said smiling softly right well im taking them and danny back to chicago with me i said i glanced at them all expecting anger but they all just nodded smiling it will be good for the kids kono said chin agreeing.
I gave them my new number and spent some time with them it was now 9pm and i was going to tell the kids about chicago

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