Chapter 6

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It had been 5 months since the kids had moved in and danny was still in a coma it was 7pm and the kids were at their friends i was currently at the hospital staring at danny he looked peaceful you really love him i heard dr halstead say as stood by the door i smiled softly and nodded what happened between yous he asked sitting on the chair opposite me before i was a firefighter i use to run a taskforce and danny was my partner and he got hurt badly because of me and i left him left hawaii i couldnt live with it i was killing him every time we went anywhere he got hurt because of me and i guess i fell in love with him and that made it worse somehow i was just a burden to him and many others so i left and i got myself a hotel and i lost it i got drunk went out let myself get attacked but it didnt work i still hurt so much so i then slept with a bunch of people let them use me brand me still didnt hurt enough then i stopped eating and it worked for a while i had control then i accidently cut myself and god it felt amazing so i spent months not eating and cutting myself and i felt good for a while then i ran into kelly and matt randomly and kelly he noticed instantly and he started watching me kept ringing everynight then my ptsd came back and i just couldnt cope so i cut every part of my body till i was bleeding out i died then i woke up in hospital with kelly beside me he forced me to get better he moved me in with him and watched me eat sleep drink never let me out of his sight he then lined me up for fire training and the rush i feel going into a burning building it helps me keeps me alive i said will stared at me shocked do you miss hawaii he asked i miss the people my family but not the place i said as he nodded how do you know kelly he asked smiling i grinned we met when were 6 every summer till we were 16 he was in hawaii we became best friends brothers even he was there for me all my life even now 30 years later hes still my protector my brother i said as will smiled softly how are you steve he asked im not so good i said wiping tears away its ok he said gently its not though this is all my fault again i said as kelly walked in the room how do you work that out kelly said kneeling in front of me i didnt fucking protect him
I left him alone steve even if you were there ok anyone of you could of been shot ok and he wasnt alone he had his team your ohana and steve mentally you were and are not in a good place ok even of you had stayed can you say hand on heart you wouldnt of tried to kill yourself kelly said holding me in place no i said as sobs overtook my body ive got you brother kelly said as i fell into his arms trembling.
A few hours later and i was laying on the sofa in dannys room with kelly and matt curled round me protecting me they were both soumd asleep your an idiot i heard a voice say making me shoot up off the sofa in a heap on the floor danno i muttered as i heard a chuckle obviously putz he said making me grin i got up and moved into his eye sight he was awake and grinning your alive i said choking he smiled at me i pressed the help button as will rushed in with connor steve whats wrong will said staring at me worried hes awake i choked out. They checked him over and he was in perfect health i looked at the time it was midnight too late to ring the kids i would ring them in the morning. How is he i asked as will and connor finished examining him well hes fine tomorrow we will start walking with him but for now hes fine thanks i said feeling like i was going to burst. Right well we will leave you to it kelly said smirking and walking out with matt and the doctors.
I heard every word you spoke steven danny said staring at me oh i said not to sure what to say so im in chicago he said grinning as i nodded steve talk to me please he said grabbing my hand softly chin phoned six months ago said you had been shot the doctors in hawaii were going to turn your moniters off said you were as good as dead so i moved you to chicago and rachel she gave up her parental rights signed them over to me said her and stan wanted their own kids i said as danny stared at me looking emotional im sorry i know you loved her i said as he glared at me steven i dont care about rachel he said as i nodded along unsure erm so the kids i moved them in with me and my roommates their good grace struggled at first now shes happy they miss you though charlie he has nightmares most nights screams for you and grace shes just like you i said as he smiled tears over his face. Are you ok he asked softly honestly i said as he nodded if it wernt for them kids i would of killed myself i said as he shook his head looking sad the kids they started calling me papa i said afraid of his reaction he grinned and id be worried if they called you steve he said as i gaped at him he chuckled steve your their dad your more of a parent than that bitch he said referring to rachel .
Im glad your awake danno i said as he hugged me tight im here steve im not leaving you ever he said now wanna hop in my bed you look wrecked he said as i smiled i lay beside him feeling a but awkward till he pulled me onto his chest where i could hear his heartbeat goodnight babe he said kissing my head night danno i said kissing his neck softly.

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