30. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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Felicity didn't like being back in Pennsylvania. She hadn't been since she'd ran from the industry. And she had no intention of going back, but now teenagers were being killed? The puzzle she was piecing together in her head made her sick.

"You alright, kid?" Rossi asks, nudging her with his elbow.

She quickly looks up at him." What?"

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She nods absentmindedly, which makes Rossi tilt his head and give her a look.

"It's just, this case reminds me of a... case I did once."

He seems to understand this." I see, there's always those cases that stay with you."

Felicity nods." Yeah."

Rossi doesn't press further. They make their rounds around the scene, making notes and then head back.

They enter the room and immediately Felicity's eyes land on the whiteboard where Spencer has written 'Greenwood Industry' connecting all the victims.

"Rossi, Chase, we found a connection." Prentiss says." Take a seat."

Felicity feels as if her knees will buckle underneath her, she quickly does as she's told. Her only hope is that she doesn't look as sick as she feels.

"Okay Spencer, continue."

Spencer points at the industry's name written in big letters. "Greenwood Industry is a troubled teen industry that was started by a man named Arthur Greenwood in 1985. It located east of Philadelphia in the middle of the forest. The industry has had over 500 kids since it started. This is the first time kids in their industry have died. They're a pretty private organization. You pay a lot of money to get your child in."

"How long do most kids stay?"

"Some stay a year, others 5. It varies."

"How do they reform the troubled teens?" Luke asks.

"According to their very empty website, they use hard work, and outdoor activities. Like hiking, fishing, swimming, anything to keep these kids busy."

Felicity's mind wanders to a memory of when she was 16. One of the leaders had taken a small group of the children, consisting of 4 kids including Felicity, onto the lake. One of the younger kids, Chris age 10, had leaned too far over the side to look for fish. He hadn't listened when the leader had told him to get back, and that's when everything happened at once. The leader had reached over and pushed the child into the water even though he knew Chris didn't know how to swim. He flailed in the water, crying for help. Felicity had tried to grab him and had immediately been pushed backwards. All she could do was watch helplessly as Chris' cries became quieter and he begin to sink. Finally the leader had grabbed hold of him and hauled him back aboard. He wasn't breathing. After a few minutes the leader administrated CPR and Chris' chest heaved.

"Felicity are you listening?" Prentiss' voice came over Felicity's thoughts.

She looks up." Uh yeah. Sorry."

Prentiss continues." Okay, so I want a few of you to go to the industry to check for any suspicious activity."

"I can." Luke says.

"Me too." Felicity says quickly not listening to the voices telling her to run away and not look back. She needs answers, this was the only way.

"Okay, they won't appreciate being suspects of murder. You two will need to go as the routine social workers."

Everything got set up in a blink of an eye, and soon they were on the way to the industry. As they drive through the thick woods, Felicity stares out the window. Her heart is racing a mile a minute as they near their destination.

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