Chapter Three: Shadows of the Past

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Y/N and Jotaro walked side by side through the bustling streets of their town, the morning sun casting long shadows that danced around them. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers from nearby stalls, a stark contrast to the grim task that lay before them. They had spent the last few hours questioning anyone who might have seen or heard something about the recent string of murders.

Despite the early hour, the town was alive with activity. Vendors called out to passersby, children laughed as they ran past, and the hum of everyday life provided a backdrop to their investigation. Y/N's eyes, sharp and attentive, scanned the crowd for any sign of suspicion. She knew that the murderer could be hiding in plain sight, blending seamlessly with the townsfolk.

"Excuse me," Y/N approached an elderly woman selling flowers. "Have you noticed anything unusual lately? Any strangers or odd behavior?"

The woman shook her head, her weathered face creased with concern. "Nothing out of the ordinary, dear. Just the usual hustle and bustle. But these murders... they've got everyone on edge. People are scared."

Jotaro, standing a few steps behind, observed the interaction. His gaze shifted to the people around them, his instincts honed by years of fighting and survival. He could sense the tension in the air, the undercurrent of fear that rippled through the town.

"Thank you," Y/N said, offering the woman a reassuring smile before turning back to Jotaro. "We need more than this. We need something concrete."

Jotaro nodded. "Let's keep moving. Someone must have seen something."

They continued their search, moving from one part of town to another, speaking with shopkeepers, street vendors, and anyone who might have information. As the day wore on, their frustration grew. It seemed like they were hitting dead end after dead end.

"Maybe we're asking the wrong questions," Y/N mused aloud as they walked through a quieter part of town. The narrow alleyways and old buildings gave the area an eerie feel, a stark contrast to the vibrant market streets they had just left.

Jotaro looked at her, his brow furrowing. "What do you mean?"

"Think about it. The murderer is targeting women and leaving their bodies in public places. They want to be seen, to send a message. But what if they're also hiding in plain sight? What if they're someone people see every day but don't think twice about?"

Jotaro's eyes narrowed as he considered her words. "Like a member of the community. Someone who blends in."

"Exactly," Y/N said, her eyes lighting up with determination. "We need to think like the murderer. Where would they go? Who would they talk to?"

As they pondered their next move, they heard a commotion up ahead. A crowd had gathered near a small park, murmuring anxiously. Y/N and Jotaro exchanged a glance and hurried toward the scene.

Pushing through the crowd, they found a police officer standing over a distraught woman. She was sobbing, pointing to something in the bushes. Y/N's heart sank as she realized what they had stumbled upon.

Jotaro knelt beside the officer, his voice calm and authoritative. "What happened here?"

The officer looked up, recognizing Jotaro from his reputation. "Another body. A young woman, same as the others. No ID, but the pattern matches."

Y/N's hands clenched into fists. "We need to see her."

The officer hesitated but nodded, stepping aside to let them through. The sight that greeted them was both familiar and horrifying. The young woman lay motionless, her eyes wide open in a final expression of terror. It was clear that the murderer had struck again.

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