Chapter Ten: The Beginning of Delusion

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As the stories of their adventures in Egypt flowed, Jotaro found himself drifting between the present and memories of the past. Joseph animatedly recounted their journey, his voice full of energy and nostalgia. Y/N listened intently, fascinated by the tales of bravery and camaraderie.

Meanwhile, Avdol, Polnareff, and Iggy had gone to fetch more food, leaving Joseph, Y/N, and Jotaro at the table. Jotaro contributed to the stories, adding details here and there, but his mind was increasingly preoccupied. His thoughts wandered to darker places, imagining scenarios where Y/N was hurt or taken from him. The mere idea made his blood boil.

Noriaki Kakyoin entered the cafeteria and approached the table. "Jotaro, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked, his tone serious.

Jotaro hesitated. He didn't want to leave Y/N's side, but he nodded reluctantly. "Sure."

They stepped outside and walked into a nearby alleyway. Jotaro pulled out a cigarette, an old habit he had mostly kicked but found himself slipping back into. He lit it, inhaling deeply, the smoke curling around his face.

Kakyoin leaned against the wall, watching him. "Is she your Meister?"

"Yeah," Jotaro replied curtly, taking another drag.

"I've noticed the way you act around her," Kakyoin said cautiously. "You seem... different."

Jotaro's eyes narrowed, and he stomped out the cigarette with unnecessary force. "Mind your own business, Kakyoin."

Kakyoin didn't back down. "I'm only saying this because I care about you, Jotaro. You shouldn't put her in danger. Your feelings could cloud your judgment."

For a split second, Jotaro wanted to lash out, to let Star Platinum loose on Kakyoin for daring to suggest he was a danger to Y/N. But he reined in his temper, his hands clenching into fists. Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked back to the cafeteria, his jaw set in a hard line.

When he reentered the cafeteria, Y/N looked up and smiled at him. He felt a momentary sense of peace wash over him, but it was quickly replaced by a gnawing fear. The delusions were starting to creep in more often, whispering to him that he wasn't doing enough to protect her, that he needed to be more vigilant, more ruthless.

Joseph was still telling stories, oblivious to the tension that had just passed between Jotaro and Kakyoin. Y/N listened with a captivated expression, completely engrossed in the tales of their epic journey.

Jotaro sat back down, his mind a tumultuous storm. As much as he tried to focus on the present, the shadow of his growing obsession loomed large, threatening to consume him. Every time he looked at Y/N, he felt a mix of fierce protectiveness and a darker, more possessive urge.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur for Jotaro. The laughter and camaraderie around him felt distant, like he was watching from behind a thick glass. He forced himself to participate, to smile and laugh, but his mind kept returning to Kakyoin's words. He knew they came from a place of concern, but they only served to heighten his paranoia.

Eventually, the group decided to call it a night. As they walked back to the hotel, Y/N chatted with Joseph and the others, her voice light and cheerful. Jotaro walked beside her, his hand resting protectively on the small of her back.

When they reached their room, Y/N turned to him with a soft smile. "Thank you for today, Jotaro. It was nice meeting your friends."

He managed a small smile in return. "Yeah, it was good."

She reached up and gently touched his cheek. "You seem tense. Is everything okay?"

Jotaro's heart ached at her concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... a lot on my mind."

She nodded, her eyes searching his for a moment before she dropped her hand. "Get some rest, okay?"

He watched as she went into the bathroom to change. Alone in the room, he felt the full weight of his thoughts pressing down on him. He knew he was slipping, that his obsession was becoming unhealthy, but he couldn't stop himself. He needed to protect her, to keep her safe from any and all threats.

As he lay in bed that night, listening to Y/N's steady breathing, Jotaro vowed to keep his darker impulses in check. But deep down, he knew it was only a matter of time before the delusions took over completely. And when that happened, he feared what he might become.

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