Chapter eleven: Jealously and delusion

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Y/N felt invigorated after a good night's sleep, her energy restored and her spirits lifted. She decided to take a stroll around town, enjoying the vibrant morning sun that bathed the streets in a warm glow. As she walked through the bustling marketplace, her thoughts drifted between the case she and Jotaro were working on and the unexpected twists their journey had taken. Suddenly, she spotted a familiar face—Kakyoin, carrying a bag of cherries and leisurely munching on one.

"Hey, Kakyoin!" she called out, waving as she approached him.

"Y/N!" he responded with a wide smile. "Good morning. How are you feeling today?"

"Much better, thank you," she replied. "What are you up to?"

"Just grabbing some cherries. Want one?" he offered, extending the bag toward her.

"Sure, thanks," she said, taking a cherry and popping it into her mouth. "So, what's new with you?"

As they strolled together, Kakyoin shared stories from his recent adventures and they both laughed at some of the more humorous moments. Y/N enjoyed his company; Kakyoin's easygoing nature and sharp intellect made for delightful conversation. As their talk progressed, Kakyoin hesitated for a moment before revealing a surprising piece of information.

"You know," he began, "I'm also a weapon, like Jotaro."

Y/N paused mid-step, her eyes widening in surprise. "Really? I had no idea. That's amazing."

Kakyoin smiled, his emerald eyes twinkling with excitement. "Yeah, I transform into an emerald sword. If you're up for it, we could do some training together. I think it might be fun."

Intrigued and always eager to improve her skills, Y/N agreed. "That sounds great. Let's find a quiet place where we won't be disturbed."

They made their way to a secluded area on the outskirts of town, a spot where the trees stood tall and the air was filled with the serene sounds of nature. The perfect place for a bit of training. Once there, Kakyoin stepped back, a determined look on his face.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready," Y/N replied, nodding.

With a flash of emerald light, Kakyoin transformed into a magnificent sword. The blade shimmered with a brilliant green hue, intricate patterns running along its surface. Y/N grasped the hilt, feeling a surge of energy as the weapon settled comfortably in her hands. She took a few experimental swings, marveling at the sword's perfect balance and extraordinary power.

"This is incredible," she breathed, spinning the sword in her hands.

Encouraged, she began to test the sword's strength, slicing through the air with precision. She moved with increasing confidence, her movements fluid and graceful. As she gained momentum, she aimed for the nearby trees, the blade cutting through them effortlessly. The sheer power and elegance of the emerald sword left her in awe.

Meanwhile, Jotaro was wandering around town, a sense of unease gnawing at him. He wondered where Y/N had gone and felt a growing anxiety the longer he was away from her. He walked through the crowded streets, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of her safety. His search eventually led him to the outskirts of town, where he noticed a disturbance in the training area. Trees were being felled one after another, and his heart raced with alarm. He initially thought it was the work of a Stand user and rushed over to investigate.

Upon arriving, he stayed hidden behind a tree, peeking out cautiously. What he saw made his blood boil—Y/N was training with Kakyoin, who had transformed into his weapon form. Seeing Y/N wielding another weapon, especially that of a close friend, ignited a furious jealousy within him. He watched as she skillfully used Kakyoin's sword, her laughter and ease with him only fueling his rage.

Y/N, oblivious to Jotaro's presence, was fully engrossed in her training. She admired the way the emerald sword moved, its precision and strength making every swing feel powerful and controlled. She practiced various techniques, twirling and slicing with impressive agility. Her mind was focused on mastering the weapon, pushing herself to improve with each movement.

Jotaro, hidden behind the tree, clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His mind raced with dark thoughts as he watched them. The image of Y/N with Kakyoin's sword, the way she moved, the way she smiled—it all drove him to the brink of madness. His thoughts turned possessive, a burning desire to be the only one she relied on consuming him.

Unable to bear it any longer, Jotaro turned away, retreating with a storm of emotions raging inside him. He walked back to the hotel, each step heavy with a mix of anger, jealousy, and a deep, consuming love for Y/N. He tried to calm himself, but the image of her with Kakyoin haunted him, gnawing at his sanity.

Back at the hotel, Jotaro paced the room, his thoughts spiraling further into delusion. He imagined scenarios where he and Y/N were together, where she depended solely on him. His obsession grew, fueled by the desire to protect her and the fear of losing her to someone else. He knew he had to control his feelings, but the line between love and madness was becoming increasingly blurred.

As Y/N continued her training, blissfully unaware of Jotaro's turmoil, Jotaro wrestled with his growing obsession. His thoughts became consumed with the idea of being the sole protector and partner for Y/N, the only one she would ever need. The delusion of their perfect life together was slowly but surely taking over his mind, pushing him further into a dangerous mental state.

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