Chapter Four: An Unsettling Encounter

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Y/N felt a bit uneasy without Jotaro by her side today. He had mentioned something about "family business" that needed his attention, leaving her to navigate the complexities of their investigation alone. Despite her determination to solve the case, the constant pressure was starting to take its toll.

Needing a break, she decided to treat herself to her favorite sandwich from a nearby shop. The little eatery was known for its fresh ingredients and cozy atmosphere. As she stepped inside, the familiar scent of freshly baked bread and savory fillings instantly lifted her spirits.

She made her way to the counter and carefully selected the perfect sandwich—a classic BLT with a hint of avocado. Just as she was about to pay, a man in a lavender suit with slick yellow hair stepped up beside her and handed the cashier a bill.

"I'll cover that," he said smoothly, his voice calm and composed.

Surprised, Y/N looked up at him. "Oh, thank you, but you really don't have to."

The man smiled, a strange glint in his eyes. "It's my pleasure. Consider it a random act of kindness."

Y/N hesitated but then smiled politely. "Well, thank you. I appreciate it. I'm Y/N Alucard, by the way."

"Yoshikage Kira," he replied, extending a hand.

She shook it, feeling a slight chill run down her spine. Something about him seemed off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. His demeanor was polite, almost too perfect, and there was an unsettling intensity in his gaze.

"I'll be happy to pay you back," Y/N offered, trying to keep the interaction brief.

Kira shook his head, his smile unwavering. "No need. It's just a sandwich. Think nothing of it."

Y/N nodded, her instincts telling her to leave. "Well, thank you again, Mr. Kira. I should get going. Have a nice day."

"You too, Miss Alucard," he said, his eyes lingering on her a moment longer than necessary.

As Y/N walked out of the shop, sandwich in hand, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Something about Kira had set off alarm bells in her mind. His overly polite demeanor and intense gaze made her skin crawl. She was usually good at reading people, and Kira's aura was sending mixed signals—part charm, part menace.

She made a mental note to mention this encounter to Jotaro later. For now, she tried to push the discomfort aside and focus on her investigation. Taking a seat on a nearby bench, she unwrapped her sandwich and took a bite, savoring the familiar taste.

As she ate, she went over the details of the case in her mind. The connection to the café had been a promising lead, but they needed more concrete evidence to pinpoint the murderer. She decided to visit the café again and see if she could gather any additional information.

Finishing her sandwich, Y/N made her way to the café. The bustling atmosphere was a stark contrast to her encounter with Kira. She felt more at ease here, surrounded by the comforting noise of daily life.

Approaching the barista from the previous day, she flashed a friendly smile. "Hi, it's me again. I was wondering if you might have remembered anything else about that man in black."

The barista shook her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, but nothing new comes to mind. He's just so unremarkable, you know?"

Y/N nodded, though a sense of frustration bubbled beneath the surface. "Thank you anyway. If you do remember anything, please let us know."

As she turned to leave, she noticed a figure out of the corner of her eye—a man sitting at a table near the window, wearing a lavender suit. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Yoshikage Kira, calmly sipping a cup of tea. He caught her gaze and smiled, a polite nod acknowledging her presence.

Y/N quickly exited the café, her mind racing. What were the odds of running into Kira again so soon? Was it a coincidence, or something more sinister? The feeling of unease returned with full force, and she resolved to keep a closer eye on him.

Later that evening, as she walked back to her apartment, her phone buzzed with a message from Jotaro.

"Back in town. Meet me at the usual spot. Need to discuss something important."

Relief washed over her as she read the message. She quickened her pace, eager to share the day's events and her unsettling encounter with Kira.

When she arrived at their meeting place, Jotaro was already there, leaning against the wall with his usual stoic expression. He looked up as she approached, his eyes softening slightly.

"Hey," he greeted, his tone gruff but warm.

"Hey," she replied, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. "I have something to tell you. I met someone today—Yoshikage Kira. He paid for my sandwich, but there was something really off about him. I can't explain it, but I think we should look into him."

Jotaro's eyes narrowed. "Kira, huh? I'll see what I can dig up. In the meantime, we should stick together. I don't like the idea of you running into someone suspicious alone."

Y/N nodded, feeling reassured by his protective nature. "Agreed. Let's get to work."

Together, they began to piece together the fragments of their investigation, determined to uncover the truth behind the murders. And as the shadows lengthened around them, Y/N couldn't help but feel that their path was becoming clearer, even if it led them through the darkness.

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