𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞

571 44 3

November 30th | Atlanta, Georgia

Jarvis walked in the bathroom and to his sink, next to Faye who was finishing up her makeup. This was just like any other morning, except he didn't say a mumbling word to her. He didn't touch her. He didn't even look at her.

"Umm...goodmorning to you too, Asshole," Faye rolled her eyes and scrunched up her face. He gave her a side eye, but still didn't say anything. "Alright, then. I won't say shit else to you. The fuck is you so pissy for?" she mumbled the last part.

"You bout to go to work?" he asked, giving her a blank stare. "Yeah. Obviously, with the way I'm dressed," she scoffed. "Then that's why I'm so fucking pissy," he said with pounds of attitude lacing his voice.

"Oh my goodness, Jarvis. I am literally going to a meeting and checking for voice messages. Calm down," she said. "And then you gon answer emails for 7 fucking hours. And then you ain't gon come straight home because you gotta go gossip with Markus at Osiris, like you do every fucking Saturday," he said.

"And normally, I let that shit slide. But I been told you that I got a fight on Tuesday in Seattle, and we ain't gon see each other for a few days. Fuck me tryna spend time with you. You tell me, just yesterday, that they asked you to come in for a few hours. You didn't say no because you fucking forgot that this is the day that we spend with each other, and only each other. Your excuse is, 'Well, I got so much going on at one time and it slipped my mind.'; as if I don't got shit going on too. I got a stressful ass job too. But at the end of the day, I make time for you," Jarvis ranted.

"Jarvis-" she started. "I'm not done," he cut her off. Her face fell blank.

"When you call me in the middle of the fucking day and tell me that you wanna go to a new place after you get off, which you rarely do, I make that shit happen. Meanwhile, you canceling on me because 'something came up'. Like, come on, Faye," he said.

"Well, something did come up. I told you what I'm doing. I didn't cancel on you, but I always gotta be the bad person. With this position, it matters if I'm present. My fucking bad," Faye said.

"Okay, and it matters if I show up to my workouts or my trainings, but sometimes I sacrifice that shit for you. That's what you do in a relationship, Faye. I don't understand why everytime I need something from you, you can't come through for me. I give what you ask for. You ask for personal space at a certain time, you got that. But you forget that I still need affection and reassurance sometimes. I'm fed up with this shit, always feeling like I'm the only one putting in some gotdamn effort," he scolded her.

"Jarvis, I spend time with you. My schedule isn't as flexible as yours, so I do what I can. I'm always affectionate and tell you how much I love you. What more do you want from me? Shit!" Faye grew angrier.

"I want you to fucking care! About how I feel and what I need. You don't give a flying fuck about how I feel, Faye. And everytime we have a discussion like this, you find quick solutions to appease me. And that shit ain't enough," he said before walking out of the bathroom. Faye sighed and walked out as well.

"I am fucking trying! I've tried to be more affectionate. I tryna to be less of a neat freak, so that you don't feel like you gotta walk on eggshells around me. I've tried to do daily tasks with you so that you feel like I'm more involved in our relationship. I'm trying my fucking hardest! And nothing is ever enough. I step outside of my comfort zone and I move in with you because us rotating houses just wasn't enough. I deal with your high ass sex drive and give you sex when I come home from a 10-12 hour shift, but that's just not enough either! You don't ever wanna understand my point of view! I'm fed up with that shit!" Faye ranted.

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