💦 10

15 1 0

I and the other members have circled our practice room, only Jaeha hasn't finished yet.  I was a little afraid that Jaeha would faint, there was still a manager there, she told us to go to the cafeteria and eat.

Which means we have to leave Jaeha alone in this room. "You'll be fine here, right?"  Eunhae was worried about him, "Yeah, I'll be fine" Jaeha smiled.

We left and the manager also went, but the manager followed me and the other members.  "You can't go to your practice room, if you do, you will be punished!"  The manager doesn't let us into our practice room.

I thought like "what if Jaeha faints in that room, what if no one helps him".  I and the other members except Jaeha went to the cafeteria and sat on chairs while ordering the menu.

I ordered a cupcake, Eunhae ordered Pasta, and Bao-Yu ordered 6 shots of ice americano.  Bao-Yu is like Jaemin, she is addicted to ice americano.  We start eating.

The wind filled the table, there was not a word, we were busy eating our food, suddenly a leaf flew towards me.  I took the leaf and it turned out there was writing, it said...

"YAHH!"  Sion greeted and waved his hand to us, "Can you be a little polite or not?"  Eunhae looked at Sion sarcastically.  I really don't know why Eunhae is being cynical like this.

Bao-Yu and I looked at each other, after that Eunhae immediately left the cafeteria.  Nct wish members were also surprised, "I also want to go" Sion followed Eunhae.  "What's wrong with them?"  Bao-Yu was curious, "You don't know yet?"  Yushi asked.

"Yeah, Eunhae has never said anything about Sion to us" Bao-Yu answered, "Sion hyung and Eunhae are dating" Riku replied.  Yushi who heard that immediately narrowed his eyes and saw Riku. Riku who saw that immediately left while Yushi caught him.  We can only laugh except Jaehee.

I don't think Jaehee caught the joke.  So Ryo explained it to Jaehee, Ryo explained at length until he wanted to say harsh things. Ryo explained it for 10 minutes and by that time Jaehee had understood.

"It's just like that, why didn't you catch it?" Sakuya looked at Jaehee.  "Are you brave with your hyung!?"  Jaehee said loudly, everyone looked at Jaehee "Sorry sorry" Jaehee bowed and felt shy when Jaehee sat back down we all held back laughter.  "Don't make me emotional, please!" Jaehee complained and we all laughed.

  "Don't make me emotional, please!" Jaehee complained and we all laughed

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JUNGweolen jungWEOlen jungweoLEN, this meme will be the best🥰🤘

Question ::
What happened to Jaeha in the practice room?

Answer it in the comment :))

I'M BORED. I hope I hv nctzen friend but I don't hv :((.

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