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"U need to work in ur dance more!" She pull my hair, and I groaned in pain. "Fuck u bitch" She throw me to the wall.

It's so hurt, I hate someone like her. " It's no wonder your mother left you and ur sister" She said.

"U are such a bad dancer!" She said one more time and go from that place. And that time, Eunhae, Jaeha and Bao-yu already leave.

Ughh, I hate her. My body is bruises all now. And even there's a blood in the corner of my mouth.

Before I get to stand up, there's someone enter the practice room. And the person look at me, He is. . . . .

Shotaro <3

"Omg, why are u bruise all!?" He go near to me, "ehh, It's not a big deal" I smiled. "No it's not" He carried me with his Bridal style, ofc I'm flustered. I mean My bias wrecker carried me!?.

I try to pinched my hand but It's not a dream!?

He carried me into the nurse, " Why are u bruise?" He asked me. Should I said the truth?, maybe I should..?

"Be-because Seoljin, my new dance teacher." I answered, "Huh?, That's fucking crazy teacher?" He asked me. "Yea.." I said.

"I will tell Anton to take care of u. Bye bye Ino!" He wave his hand and go from there. Why He know my name and ARGGG, He tell Anton to take care of me!? ANTON!?. That's my bias, OMFG.

I still hv my phone so I play Superstar SM. I already complete my Nct dream card, and I almost complete my Riize Card too!.

"Hello, can you tell me why u are bruised?" The nurse asked. "It's because my dance teacher throw me to the wall" I said

"Oh, It's not a big bruise. It can heal later, it's just need a bit of medicine" She said. "You will stay here until night tho" She go from there and pick a medicine.

"You will stay in here a bit longer, because ur bruise will take time to heal" The nurse smearing my bruises.

When the nurse smearing my bruises, I see Anton there.


Plss.., He is Too handsome..., HELP. My heart is dancing rn.

The nurse done smearing my bruises and She go from there, and "Hi?, are u Ino that Shotaro Hyung say?" He asked me.

"Yea..." I see his face. "Uhh, ok. It's a little bit awkward in here" He said. "Do u stan our group?" He asked me.

I'm very nervous "yea.." I answered, "ever got to the fansign. I think u ever met me" He said.

"Emm, yea. I ever go to ur fansign" I said, "Nice" He said. "If u hv a bf, who do u want to be ur bf in Nct?" He asked.

That is a smart question but I can't choose!?. "I-idk. It's just hard to choose" I said, "Just choose" He said, "sure, it's between Chenle or Jaemin".

"Nice choi-" He said but got interrupted by the door sound. Someone open the door, and it's My members + Shotaro <3

"YA-" Bao-yu wants to scream but got interrupted by Shotaro "Stop with ur screaming Yu and Anton Let's go practice!"

"Ok, bye bye Ino" He waved his hand to me. And ofc I'm flustered. "Uuuw, someone already get a bf" Jaeha said.

"YA!, Stopp!" I said, and there are nct wish members too. "I see Anton&shotaro sunbaenim in there, why are there in here?" Sion asked me.

"Oh it's because, Shotaro tell Anton to take care of me, but instead Anton talk to me" I look at Sion.

"Oh, can u tell us why are u here?" Eunhae asked me, "emm, sure.." I said.

"So, When u guys go from the practice room. Seoljin, our dance teacher pull my hair and throw me to the wall. Then, shotaro enter our practice room and see me, after that Shotaro Carried me with Bridal style, I was so shocked. Shotaro put me in the bed when we are already in the nurse. And Shotaro said that He will call Anton, LIKE FUCK I'M SO LUCKY. Then yeah Anton arrive in here!"

"U are so lucky :(." Sakuya said, "Ofc I'm!" I said. "Nah, that Seoljin want to get punch by Ryo." Riku tease Ryo and me.

"YA!" I throw him my book at his head. He groaned in pain. And we laugh together.

TBC <3


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IS ANTON LIKE INO!?. Some plot twist that I like Anton with Ino more, You guys will wonder how this story will continue?. Cuz I can make Anton with Ino together :)).

Don't forget to our new book"Shining Cloud" Renjun.


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