💦 1 (Remake)

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I remake this story becuz it's so cringy :))

I go to SM entertaiment by my Money.
It's enough to go to korean and my stuff.
My money is 500 Won.

It happen to have Korean money. So I took my Japanese money and Korean money.
500 won and 762 Yen.

It's a long ride journey.
I go inside SM entertaiment, and see the staff in the lobby.

"Hey, can I ask u where is the place to audition?"

"Annyeong-haseyo, U can go in the SM room. In third stair" She says and bowed

"And turn left, go straight, and then turn left. And u will see SM room"

"Ty" I bowed.

I go to upstair and opened my phone while walking. And I bumped to someone.

"Aww..." I fall down
And I wide my eyes and directly bowed

"I'm sorry, sorry"

"It's ok, but keep ur eyes up" He smile.
And go from that place.

And I go to the third upstair. I knock the door.



"Ohhh hi, u are the new trainee. So u can Perform now"

I nervously put my stuff in the floor. And Performing a song

"That's so good" SM clapped his hands

"Moving on" SM says
I nervously smiled and get ready to the dance move.

"It's a bit lacked of technique. But it's already good" SM Says

"Can u rap?" SM asked after think something.

"Maybe?, I never rap" I say

"Can u try pls?"


"U will stayed in this group" SM pointed the named of the group and the Place of the practice

"Ty Pd-nim" I bowed and go from the place.
And ofc I take my suitcase.

I Go downstair and see the practice room, and see a manager in there.

"GIRLSS!!" Manager screams and clapped her hands.

"Wha- Who is that?" She ask that make me more nervous.

"Introduce urself Girls"

"I'm Park Eunhae, I'm the oldest. I'm 20"

"I'm Li Bao-Yu, I'm 19"

"I'm Kim Jaeha I'm 17"

"Now, can u introduce urself?" Manager ask me.

"My name is Ikari Inorika, call me Rika or Ino. I'm 16"

"YESS, FINALLY NEW MEMBER!!!!" Jaeha said.

"Umhh, Ino, The dorms are full. Maybe SM will bring u to another dorm" Eunhae said.

"Wtf, I'm dead now.." I muttered

"But don't think negative. SM will bring u to Girl dorm, but maybe SM will be careless this time." Eunhae continue.

"This is rest time, enjoy ur break!" She smiled.

"Hi, u can call me Yu. And I see that u are the maknae here" She smiled.

I nervously smile

"So what is ur mbti?" They ask me

"I'm ESTP"

dorm mates ~ Ryo Nct wishWhere stories live. Discover now