💦 14

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I feel very guilty.., and it's already night. Eunhae told me to sleep because it's already night.

So I go back to my dorm and see Ryo, but.. Ryo doesn't even look at me. I don't know what to do...

I guess, I just need to go sleep and take a bath.

I look at Ryo opened his door, closed it and locked it. I feel like I need to search for Jaeha and Bao-Yu..., i sigh and closed my door.

I guess.., I make our group in danger.

I can't sleep and it's already pass 11pm. What should I do?. Do I need to draw in my book?

I stood up and took my diary.  And wrote there "I made a big mistake, 2024, 10 July." I said while writing in my diary.

And put it in the drawer near my bed, I think I need to terminate this contract tomorrow, so i'm not endangering this group.

And put it in the drawer near my bed, I think I need to terminate this contract tomorrow, so i'm not endangering this group

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WORD : 159
I'm so bored :(. And tomorrow I will go back to my school after the holidays. So maybe I'll upload a little longer :(.


dorm mates ~ Ryo Nct wishWhere stories live. Discover now