Chapter 1 - Collision Course.

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"Yo, Gojo!" Shoko Ieiri called out to the silver-haired boy, Gojo Satoru, while he sipped off of a crisp blue raspberry-flavored can of soda. That particular morning, the sun shone brighter than Gojo had ever remembered. It was boiling outside; as if Toukyou Jujutsu High School was burning up inside of a large sauna. The silver-haired boy lay in the shade of a large Katsura tree that coincidentally happened to be in front of the wooden bench he rested on. It provided the boy with an excellent escape from the sun's inferno temperature, yet it didn't prevent the humidity in the air.

A trickle of sweat ran from the side of his face when he turned around to view Shoko Ieiri, his classmate, hurrying towards him in the scorching heat.

"What's up, Shoko?" Gojo asked lazily, taking another sip from his chilling blue soda from the vending machine that sat a few meters away from his bench. "You won't believe it!" Shoko shouted to her classmate, for some reason, in a hurry to grab Gojo's attention. She halted in front of Gojo's bench, catching her breath for a moment due to the overwhelming heat.

Their dark blue long-sleeved uniforms didn't help any matter since the students were required to wear them at all times while outside.

"What won't I believe? Did you run out of cigarettes again?" The young silver-haired boy pushed his opaque sunglasses onto the bridge of his nose further, not budging from his placement on the wooden bench. The chirping of male cicadas filled the air in the background, becoming an annoyance to Gojo, who was the type to hate loud noises but was also a part of the loud sounds.

"No- Well, yes, that too. But I hear that there'll be a new transfer student who's a second year." Shoko steps closer to Gojo's bench, attempting to escape the sunlight that glared at her immensely.

Gojo crossed his arms, squinting his eyes to see Shoko clearly since she carried sunlight directly behind her. "Hah? Did you run over here to tell me that? Why should I be worried about a stupid classmate..." Gojo questioned, then turned over to face the backrest of the bench, attempting to lay in a more comfortable position.

The bench was uncomfortable without any help, and normally Gojo wouldn't have bothered to sit there, nevertheless lay there, but the dormitories were too far for his walking comfort. Especially not in that extreme heat.

Shoko placed her hands on her hips with a sliver of frustration for the arrogant boy and spoke again in a clearer tone. "Well, I for one would be "worried" if a "stupid classmate"- who just so happens to be a special grade - deliberately chose the dorm room directly next to my own!" Shoko used air quotes in her statement, even though Gojo had not been looking in her direction.

But her words had caught his interest. Gojo suddenly faced Shoko once more, choosing to sit up on the bench. He looked at her amused smile as he uttered the words; "彼は何をしましたか?" (Kare wa nani wa shi mashi ta ka // What did he do?)

Nobody had ever dared to move into the dorm room next to Gojo's, and it was something the boy took pride in every day. Though the reason why was unknown to Gojo, he loathed when people- or anything interfered with what he was used to.

"He asked Masamichi for the room beside yours, Gojo." Shoko removes her hands from her hips and then shrugs for a split second before reaching into her skirt pocket. She searched for her remaining cigarette inside the pocket of her flexible skirt as Gojo began going off.

"Who does this guy think he is, huh? Nobody moves in beside me without my acknowledgment!" Gojo complains to Shoko, who rolls her eyes. "Auugh, Gojoo, if you have a problem with the guy, then go tell him how you feel! I don't want to hear it." Shoko had to admit that she was tired of listening to Gojo's complaints.

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