Chapter 6 - Snack Run.

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The common room buzzed with excitement as the students of Tokyo Jujutsu High School gathered to plan a special preparation. It would be Nanami's birthday in a few days, and Shoko proposed a slumber party with everyone to celebrate.

Utahime, Haibara, Gojo, and Geto were all on board with the idea. But because Gojo spent the majority of his time teasing Utahime because she was shorter than him, he barely heard what Shoko was speaking about.

"We need to make it special," Shoko declared, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. And then the question Haibara asked was: "Who's in charge of what?" Shoko volunteered to handle the decorations, while Utahime would take care of the games. Haibara offered to bake a cake, promising it would be something extraordinary.

"We still need someone to get the snacks," Utahime pointed out, looking around the room. A mischievous grin spread across Shoko's face. "How about a game of 'not it'?" She suggested, her gaze shifting to Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru as they shared candy.

Before Gojo could react, everyone had their fingers on their noses, shouting, "Not it!" Gojo groaned, realizing he had lost yet again. He had also realized that Geto as well, had his finger on his nose with a smirk on his face. "Seriously? Why is it always me?" he complained, crossing his arms in defeat.

"Because it's fun to see you complain," Shoko teased, earning a chuckle from the group. He stared at the students in silence, feeling a bit attacked but he gave up, seeing as though everyone agreed. "Fine, fine. I'll get the snacks." He caved, and As Gojo prepared to leave, Geto stepped forward.

"I'll go with him," the black-haired teen offered casually. Everyone exchanged surprised glances, but no one objected. Gojo raised an eyebrow, curious about Geto's sudden interest in grocery shopping. He couldn't figure it out, and the thought never crossed him that maybe Geto just wanted to spend time with him.

The two set off towards the nearest convenience store, the evening air cool and refreshing. They walked in a comfortable silence, the city lights casting a soft glow on their path.

"Any specific snacks you think we should get?" Gojo asked, breaking the silence. Geto shrugged. "Just make sure to get what everyone likes. Especially Nanami. It's his birthday, after all." Geto finished answering Gojo's question when the two arrived at the convenience store.

As Gojo and Geto entered the convenience store, they were greeted by the familiar hum of fluorescent lights and the faint chime of a bell above the door. The store was quite big but well-organized, with narrow aisles packed with colorful displays of snacks, drinks, and various other goods.

The scent of instant ramen and fresh coffee mingled in the air, creating a strangely comforting atmosphere. The cool air from the store's air conditioning provided a refreshing contrast to the warm evening outside, making it a small oasis of calm and order.

Gojo and Geto both grabbed a basket at the entrance, afterward beginning their shopping quest for snacks. The duo moved from aisle to aisle, their baskets filling up with an assortment of snacks. "I'll bet all of this food will end up going in your mouth, Satoru." Geto joked, to ease the silence between the boys. Gojo, feeling as if he were exposed, says, "No it won't," but also laughs at Geto's joke.

Somewhere during their time at the convenience store, Gojo asks Geto if he prefers salty or sweet snacks. They had made their way to the candy section, and Gojo didn't hesitate to place his favorite sweets into his basket. Though it wasn't much of a question, he just casually slid in; "but we can both agree that sweet snacks rule, I think." He wasn't sure about Geto's preference but was unsure how to ask properly.

"You think?" Geto wore an amused smile, one that annoyed Gojo when other people made it. But when it came to Geto, he didn't seem to mind what smile came off his face. "Well, am I wrong?" Gojo stopped swiping sweets to stare at Geto for a moment. Geto, noticing Gojo's eager stare, turns to look at his friend with a straight face as he says, "Incredibly."

Gojo then hounded Geto to find out his favorite type of snack, and even though Gojo's pestering annoyed him in the beginning, he didn't mind it so much now. However, Gojo's harassment came to a pause when both boys reached for a bag of crab-flavored chips at the same time. Their fingers brushed against each other, and it sent a small jolt through Gojo.

"You can get that," Gojo pulled his hand back quickly, retreating it to the basket handle with his other hand. He tried to play it cool, but Geto's calm presence made it difficult to maintain his usual facade. The black-haired teen glanced over at Gojo a second after their hands made contact, noticing the red fade grow across his ears.

The mundane task of shopping became an enjoyable experience for both teens. As they left the store, laden with bags, the walk back to the school was just as quiet as it had been on their way there.

As they walked back to the school, the boys fell into a comfortable silence. The initial chatter and playful banter had given way to a quiet camaraderie, the kind that didn't need words to fill the space between them. The only sounds were the rustling of the plastic bags and the soft crunch of their footsteps on the gravel path.

The evening air was cool, and the sky above was beginning to darken, casting long shadows on the ground. The silence between them wasn't awkward; instead, it was filled with an unspoken understanding. Each was lost in their thoughts but aware of the other's presence.

It was a peaceful moment, a rare instance where neither felt the need to break the tranquility with words. As they neared a busy intersection, the distant sound of an approaching car broke the stillness. Lost in his thoughts, Gojo stepped off the curb without looking.

Geto's eyes widened in alarm, and without a second thought, he reached out and grabbed Gojo's arm, pulling him back just as the car sped past, its horn blaring. Geto's grip was firm, his concern evident as he looked at Gojo, who appeared momentarily startled but quickly composed himself.

Gojo blinked, startled, and then laughed nervously. Geto couldn't help but notice something strange about the incident. Gojo hadn't activated his Infinity to protect himself, something he always did out of habit. "Hey, Satoru," Geto started, his voice curious.

"Why didn't you use your Infinity back there?" He was eager to know since it wasn't like Gojo at all. Gojo shrugged nonchalantly, the streetlight reflecting onto his sunglasses. "I guess I forgot," he muttered quietly, gripping the plastic bags tightly into his hands.

Geto's eyes narrowed slightly, recognizing the lie but choosing to let it slide. Geto knew Gojo hadn't had Infinity on for their entire trip, since their hands had met a few times. So he took it as a sense of trust, something that Gojo didn't seem to have around any of his peers, and stayed quiet.

As they approached the school gates, the familiar sight of Tokyo Jujutsu High School came into view, its tall structure looming against the darkening sky. The boys continued their walk in silence, the earlier incident lingering in their minds.

Upon reaching the entrance, Gojo paused and turned to Geto. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of unspoken words. "Hey, Suguru," he began, his voice softer than usual. "Thanks for saving me back there."

Geto gave a small nod, his expression unreadable. "Just try to pay more attention next time, okay?" he replied, his tone light but his eyes serious. Gojo managed a smile, grateful for Geto's calm and steady presence.

With that, they walked through the school doors, the echo of their footsteps fading into the hallway. Gojo felt a newfound respect for Geto, a sense of gratitude that went beyond mere words.

As they made their way to the common room to drop off the snacks, he couldn't help but feel that their bond had grown stronger. The day had been eventful, and despite the near-miss, Gojo couldn't deny that it had been a good one.

As they parted ways, he glanced back at Geto, feeling a warmth in his chest that was entirely new. For the first time in a long while, he felt a connection that was deeper than just friendship.

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