Chapter 2 - Immature Rivalry.

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"I have to work with this guy?? Seriously?" Gojo Satoru complained to Yaga Masamichi, the soon-to-be principal of the Tokyo Jujutsu High School. Gojo Satoru, for the past few days, had been outright miserable having Geto Suguru stay in the dorm next to his. Gojo had tried almost everything to make Geto want to switch rooms, starting with being noisy next door to simply playing ding-dong ditch in front of Geto's door.

Geto had picked up on every prank that Gojo threw his way, and at first, they irritated him, but after Gojo stayed persistent in his attempts to get rid of him, he let them all slide. He felt as if Gojo would never attempt a physical altercation, so he wasn't worried about his stunts at all.

"That's enough of that, Gojo," Yaga told the teen sternly, folding his arms across his chest as he usually did. Geto Suguru glanced at the boy beside him, eyeing his silver hair that was not naturally colored. Then, as if Gojo had a sixth sense, his gaze met Geto's for only a second, until Yaga continued his statement. A second was more than enough time to see it; his eyes were a dazzling combination of sapphire and cerulean.

They're blue, Geto acknowledged silently, a word not daring to escape his lips as Yaga carried on his conversation with the boys. "You two need to learn that you are not each other's enemy. There's a mission that requires both of your techniques. You'll be exorcising a grade 1 curse on the outskirts of Shibuya. I expect you both," Yaga paused his statement, turning his head in Gojo's direction before he concluded, "to handle this professionally."

Gojo responded to his teacher's words by rolling his eyes and shooting him an annoyed glare. His ocean eyes wandered to Geto, who seemed to remain calm and collected despite being paired with Gojo on his first mission. The silver-haired teen sighed with a hint of irritation, then spoke.

"Fine! Whatever! But if he gets in my way, then it's all on him." Gojo pointed his thumbs at Geto, who had been slightly taken aback by the other boy's arrogance. Geto furrowed his brow a bit as he pondered why the boy had to be such a handful.

"I don't plan on it, Gojo." Geto sighed deeply. He peered at his mission partner once more to take a better look at his irises, but Gojo had made a pouty face and turned to the direction of the door abruptly. While Gojo made his way out of the room, Geto and Yaga exchanged exhausted glances, and with that, the black-haired teenager followed Gojo out of the door.

The two teenage boys felt a tension that was palpable as they traveled to Meguro City, just south of Shibuya, by train. During the train ride, Gojo would steal occasional annoyed glances at Geto, secretly eying his physique. Geto's jet-black hair was pulled back into a neat bun, despite the lock of hair that remained, covering a sliver of his forehead.

Once the boys disembarked from the train, Gojo began walking ahead, leaving Geto behind while also making it clear that he didn't care to converse with the black-haired boy. Gojo wanted to get the mission over with, so he did not speak a word to Geto while they began their walk to the location of the curse. Geto, on the other hand, observed his surroundings, preparing himself mentally for the mission. "Try not to mess up, Gojo," he finally spoke, breaking the terrible silence.

"Hah! Me? Mess up? That's impossible," Gojo snapped back, not bothering to slow down his walking speed or turn around to speak to the other teen. "Just keep up, newbie," he shot at Geto, suggesting that he was weak.

In Gojo's mind, everybody was weaker than he was. Nobody could prove to him otherwise, despite there being others who were almost on par with him. When the two arrived at the cursed location, they quickly realized that this was no ordinary mission. The curse was powerful; it fed off the anxiety and density of the populated area.

The silver-haired teen took a step back, steadying himself. It had been the first time that Gojo hesitated in front of a curse, especially in front of a group of people (that included citizens and Geto). Normally, he would use a curse lapse blue and be finished, but with so many people crowded, it was impossible to use that technique.

He thought of using his reversal red cursed technique, but before he could even get into action, Geto Suguru stepped forward. "Hey! What are you doing?" Gojo shouted at the black-haired boy, clenching his fists tightly. "Taking care of it, because you have cold feet," Geto responded, and in almost a split second, he summoned a larger curse.

Geto's cursed spirit manipulation came in handy with the task that was given to the boys when the black-haired teen's curse swallowed their threat within seconds. Gojo Satoru stood in surprise, his eyes fixed on where Geto's curse sat munching on their former threat. "What, the fuck, was that." Gojo turned to face Geto, being highly upset.

Geto shrugged while dusting his hands off, saying, "Cursed Spirit Manipulation," as if it were a common technique. Gojo had seen many things in his 16 years of life, but "cursed spirit manipulation" was not one of them. But Gojo pushed the cursed technique to the side for a moment, being more focused on the fact that Geto had outdone him.

"Why did you do that? I had it under control." Gojo stomped towards where Geto stood, closing the enormous gap between the two teenage boys. Geto scoffed, revealing his attitude to Gojo's behavior for the first time since he had gotten to Jujutsu High. "If you're saying you had it under control while you stood there scared, then I'm seriously wondering how you're seen as 'the strongest,'" Geto's facial expression grew agitated before replying to Gojo's complaints.

Gojo hissed his teeth, pushed his sunglasses up on his nose, and then pointed in Geto's face as he barked back. "You're just jealous of me. That's it, isn't it?" said the silver-haired teen, arrogance wavering in his voice. Geto slapped Gojo's hand out of his face, but his voice remained steady. "I have no reason to be jealous of Gojo Satoru. You're nothing but an arrogant prick who is reasonably hated by everyone that you come across."

Gojo Satoru was triggered by his classmate's remark, and after hearing what he never once considered to be true, he saw red. Without another word, Gojo lunged at Geto, his fist aimed straight at Geto's face. Geto barely had time to react, bringing up his arms to block the strike.

The force of the blow sent Geto stumbling back, but he quickly regained his footing, his anger flaring. Many people would describe their altercation as a "catfight," though it didn't help matters that they constantly bellowed insults at each other. It had been 15 minutes before the two were broken up by three police officers, two of whom had to pull Gojo off of Geto. As the two were separated, Geto heard his classmate scream, "This isn't over!" which he assumed was addressed to him.

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