Chapter 5 - Unspoken Connections.

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It was a quiet day for Geto Suguru, but that was only because he hadn't been assigned to any missions with anyone. It had been weeks since he and Gojo Satoru were assigned their first mission together. As Geto tied his silky jet-black strands of hair into a messy bun, his thoughts wandered about how his dynamic with the animated Gojo had changed since then. He wasn't sure if they were friends or not, but one thing was for certain: he hadn't spoken to or seen Gojo in a week.

After Shoko, Geto, and Gojo completed a mission together the week prior, Gojo had been called to Yaga's office and Geto hadn't seen him since. One-half of the black-haired teen was relieved that he didn't have to hear his classmate's mouth all the time, but the other half was slightly concerned. Gojo wasn't one to suddenly disappear, and he certainly was the person to make his presence known in a room full of people.

Geto glanced out of his window, watching the numerous green leaves sway gently on their branches. The black-haired teen decided to fold his laundry and tidy up his room, as he was extremely bored and had no one to talk to.

Gojo Satoru trudged back into the dorms, his body aching terribly from the relentless training sessions he'd endured all week. Gojo had been on mission after mission after mission with the first years and Utahime Iori. It happened for a week straight, until the week prior he had finally been assigned a mission with Geto and Shoko. He thought that he had been shown grace, but as soon as the trio returned from their mission together, Gojo was summoned by Yaga.

The silver-haired teen was frustrated, annoyed, tired, and sore all in one moment, but oddly enough he didn't complain about it. Not yet, at least. As Gojo slumped through the hallways, he thought about how the last thing he wanted to do was rest in his bed. He had a feeling that if he were spotted alone by his teacher, then he would be roped into working on another mission. So instead of relaxing in his assigned dorm like he normally did, Gojo Satoru passed his room without hesitation. He made his way to Geto's room, not thinking about what the teen inside was up to.

Reaching Geto's door, Gojo didn't even bother to knock. Instead, he pushed it open with a force that betrayed his exhaustion, the door swinging wide and hitting the wall with a dull thud. He staggered inside, his usual confident stride replaced by a weary shuffle, and collapsed onto the nearest bed. Geto looked up from his task, startled by the sudden intrusion. "...Satoru? What the hell are you doing?" he asked, more surprised than angry. He hesitated for a moment before calling the boy by his first name, contemplating if he still could. Gojo groaned, face down on Geto's bed. "Just... need a break. Yaga's been running me ragged," he mumbled into the plush bedsheet.

Gojo grasped one of Geto's pillows, then squeezed it tightly against his face. He heard Geto call his first name instead of his last, but he was also under the impression that the two were closer. Geto stared at Gojo's figure lying on his bed, noticing that he had taken his sunglasses off. Geto had only seen Gojo's eyes a few times because he caught them, and they were absolutely beautiful. But that was not the time to be thinking about his classmate's eyes. Geto sighed, closing the drawer he had been organizing. "You can't just barge in here like that. What if I was busy?" He crossed his arms, yet Gojo didn't move.

The silver-haired teen lay dormant on his classmate's bed. His body was exhausted from completing mission after mission, and his training didn't help matters. But here, surrounded by Geto's scent, he felt a rare sense of peace. It was a small comfort, but one he desperately needed. "Well, you're not," Gojo retorted, turning his head slightly to give Geto a tired smirk. Geto's gaze was drawn to Gojo's eyes, now fully visible without the usual barrier of his sunglasses. He couldn't help but be struck by their clarity and depth, a vibrant shade of blue that was completely unnatural. It was as if they held a world of their own, a mix of strength and vulnerability that he rarely saw in his classmates.

But then Geto rolled his eyes, though he couldn't help the small smile tugging at his lips. "Fine. But don't make it a habit." Although he was certain Gojo would be doing it again. "Wouldn't dream of it," Gojo said, though both knew that was probably a lie. Geto pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, watching as Gojo tried to find a comfortable position. "So, what happened? Why's Yaga on your case?" the black-haired teen asked the other, as he was genuinely curious. Gojo sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping further. "Apparently, the higher-ups think I'm too reckless after I forgot to place a veil one time. One time! They want me to train more, get 'reined in' or whatever. It's been hell." Gojo clenched his fist gently, squeezing Geto's pillow harder.

Geto watched silently as Gojo complained more about how the higher-ups only see him as a tool, and they're not afraid to show it. "And they wonder why I give them a hard time," he grumbled, his eyes wandering to the wall in front of him. "Well, you do need to learn how to respect others," Geto agreed, agitating Gojo just a bit. "How am I supposed to respect people who would rather fall over dead than respect me as a human being?"

Geto sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I get it, Satoru. It's not fair. But if you keep pushing back, they'll just tighten the leash. You need to find a way to work within the system, even if it means playing their game sometimes." Gojo scoffed, turning his head to look at Geto. "Easy for you to say. You're the golden boy. Everyone loves you." At that moment, Gojo knew that not everybody liked him; in fact, he had always known. All of his peers made their distaste for him obvious, but for some reason, Geto never displayed that energy to him.

In Geto's presence, Gojo felt something different. Despite his usual bravado and arrogance, there was a calmness that settled over him whenever he was around Geto. It was as if Geto had an unspoken understanding, a quiet acceptance that Gojo rarely found elsewhere. When Geto looked at him, it wasn't with judgment or disdain, but with a genuine interest and concern. This made Gojo feel seen, truly seen, in a way that was rare for someone in his position. In those moments, Gojo felt a rare sense of safety and focus, something he cherished more than he would ever admit.

Geto sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Satoru, you might be a pain sometimes, but you're not as bad as they let on. Just... try to find a balance. Show them you're more than just raw power." Geto's suggestion caused Gojo to ponder for a moment. Gojo then glanced up at Geto, surprised by the earnestness in his friend's voice. "And how am I supposed to do that?" he asked, for the first time taking what someone said to him to heart. "By being yourself," Geto replied simply. "Prove to them that there's more to you than what they see. You've got a lot to offer, Satoru. Don't let them take that away from you."

Gojo finally relaxed, a genuine smile forming on his face. He felt a blush creeping up his cheeks and quickly mashed his face into Geto's pillows to hide it. "Thank you, Suguru," he mumbled into the pillow, his voice muffled. Geto noticed the red tint spreading to Gojo's ears but said nothing, opting instead to let his friend have this moment. He simply watched as Gojo's body visibly relaxed, the weight of the world momentarily lifted from his shoulders.

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