Worse Than Death

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Riding the horse he had requested at the city gates, Raffin and Ferula galloped toward the palace. Day had turned to night in an instant. Candlelight glinted from inside the buildings. Some of the streetlamps had been lit, illuminating their path. Everyone stepped aside as they passed, both because of the horse's speed and because of Raffin's distant cries of warning. As they approached the palace, many people gathered at the gate. A beam of white light emanated from the forecourt of the palace, moving toward the sky as fast as lightning.

"Uxar is trying to break the curse!" Ferula shouted into Raffin's ear.

Ferula never mentioned Raffin's title, and Raffin never had a problem with it. He thought that because he was dating Alani and often visited her at Ferula's shop, and sometimes they chatted, Ferula felt familiar with him, so there was no need to question the difference in their status. But when he heard her calling the Grand Wizard by his name, it felt strange. Although, in retrospect, Ferula had always called the light wizards by their names.

Raffin slowed the horse and broke through the crowd fenced by the gate guards. Two of them opened the gate when they saw Raffin.

On the forecourt, the guards, knights, palace officials, and servants gathered almost in a circle. Raffin stopped behind them. In the center of the forecourt, Magus Uxar, the Grand Wizard, and his apprentice, Magus Ivys, both held out their hands. Light emerged from their palms, joined in the air, forming a brighter and larger beam that Raffin and Ferula had seen from a distance.

Raffin felt his hopes and everyone else's hanging in the air. Several minutes passed, but there was no change. As the light faded, Magus Uxar and his apprentice fell to their knees. A groan of disappointment escaped from the people before they dispersed.

Raffin and Ferula dismounted and approached Magus Uxar and Magus Ivys. The apprentice helped her master to his feet, holding one of his arms in case he lost his balance.

"Uxar," Ferula called.

The Grand Wizard turned. He was a tall man, but at eighty years of age, he was not as tall as he used to be. His skin was yellowish brown, dulled by age and hidden beneath a dark green robe, the signature color of Ostelux.

"Ferula?" he sighed, sounding as if he was still trying to catch his breath, as if he had just run a long way.

Next to him, Magus Ivys was not much different, but she tried to hide it. Just like her master, the brunette was wearing a robe in the color of Ostelux, which looked oversized on her thin body.

"Your Highness?" Magnus Uxar turned to Raffin. His furrowed brow added to the wrinkles on his face. "Why are you with her?"

"It's all my fault, Magus," Raffin said.

"No," Ferula interrupted. "It is my fault."

Magus Uxar looked at them in disbelief. Raffin himself hadn't expected Ferula's words. How could it be her fault? Because Alani was her assistant, so she felt responsible? But Raffin had made Alani do it. That was his fault.

"Whatever happened, it's better to talk about it inside," Magus Uxar said.

A guard came to tell him that the king wanted him in the council chamber. The Grand Wizard let out a long sigh and stood up straight. He released Magus Ivys's hand and sent her away, assuring her he was all right.

Magus Uxar looked back at Raffin and Ferula as he stroked his chest-length gray beard. "Whatever you have to say, say it to the king." He addressed his next words to Ferula. "And behave in his presence. The king will not like the sight of you, so do not provoke his anger."

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