It's Time for Her to Be Free

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The magi are always the last to leave the Worship House after a service. So, Raffin waited for his entire family to leave before he approached Magus Uxar.

"May I speak with you, Magus?" he asked.

"Of course, Your Highness. Go ahead, Ivys, I'll catch up."

Magus Ivys bowed to Magus Uxar and Raffin before leaving.

"What would you like to talk about, Your Highness?" Magus Uxar asked.

"What do you think of Queen Jacina?"

The Grand Wizard's brow furrowed. "Why do you ask?"

"Do you think, given the chance, she would—could help us?"

Magus Uxar tilted his head, his gaze searching. "Do you agree with Ferula?"

"I asked your opinion, Magus."

Magus Uxar took a deep breath, choosing his words with care.

"Magus Arozal, the Grand Wizard who imprisoned Queen Jacina," he began. "We believed him to be the most powerful light wizard of all time. But he himself mentioned in his journal that Queen Jacina's dark magic was equal in power to his light magic. So, we can assume that Queen Jacina is the most powerful dark wizard ever. Her power can most likely help us defeat the curse of eternal darkness. Yes, I think she can help us."

"But will she?"

Magus Uxar looked down in thought and rubbed his gray beard. "Perhaps, if she can profit from it."

Raffin sighed. Just like last night. Jacina promised to help as long as Raffin gave her freedom.

"Are you thinking of asking for her help, Your Highness?" Magus Uxar asked. He squinted at Raffin.

"You may not," he continued after Raffin did not answer. "His Majesty forbids it."

"I know, but I have a reason I want to do it."

"And what is that reason?"

Raffin crossed the room to the statue of the King of Gods. Looking up at the god, he said, "Yesterday, during the service, I asked the King of Gods if Queen Jacina could help us remove the curse. And I felt certain that we needed her." Raffin paused and turned slowly. "So I went to see her last night."

Magus Uxar's eyes widened. "Did you free her?"

"No, no." Raffin shook his head. "Not yet. But she promised to tell me how to remove the curse of eternal darkness if I promise to give her freedom."

"How to remove the curse of eternal darkness?" mused Magus Uxar.

"At first I thought, since we need her power, I would set her free for a while. But she said that even her power couldn't help. So I changed my mind, because it turns out we don't need—"

"Magus Uxar," a guard shouted. He ran into the Worship House with a panicked face, as if he had just seen a ghost.

"What is it?" Magus Uxar asked.

"Outside the palace...a portal opened and terrible creatures appeared."

Magus Uxar and Raffin exchanged looks of surprise. What they had feared had happened. They hurried out of the Worship House and crossed the garden path in the side courtyard of the palace that leads to the forecourt. They met Ames, Helman, and Arles near the gate. The guards had lined up to form a fence in front of the palace gate. Magus Uxar came out and walked through the middle of their ranks. Raffin and his brothers stayed inside the gate.

Ahead, a violet glowing portal hovered in the air. Inside was a dark vortex punctuated by flashes of light. Beneath the portal were three all-black creatures, human-like, with a pair of legs and arms, but their eyes glowed bright blue.

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