The Kiss of Death

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"Arrest her!" Ames ordered.

Jacina stepped back to make room for a pair of guards to force Alani to her feet and hold her by both arms.

"Are you all right, Prince Raffin?" asked Jacina as she helped Raffin to his feet.

"My chest was hurting, but not anymore."

"Raffin," called Ferula. She rushed over to Raffin, seeming more worried than Ames. It was strange that she was worried about him. "Did she give it to you?"

"I did," Alani said. Despite being held by two guards and in the king's presence, she showed no fear. Her lips formed a mischievous, triumphant smile.

"What did you give him?" Jacina growled. Anger burned in her eyes. Anger that Raffin could not understand.

"The kiss of death," Ferula said.

"That's right." Alani chuckled. "Any girl you kiss will die. If I cannot have you, no one can!"

With a flick of her hand, Jacina threw Alani aside, into the wall. The two guards holding her fell to the floor. The helmet slipped from Alani's head, her hair falling forward as she slumped to the floor. Jacina held out a hand, and Alani's body jerked and lifted into the air. Her back hit the wall again. Her mouth was open, but no scream came out. She held her throat as if suffocating, her feet kicking at the empty air.

Raffin turned to Jacina and found a vicious glint in her eyes. Like a predator ready to finish its prey. Her jaw clenched and Raffin could almost hear Jacina's teeth grinding. For the first time, the queen seemed as they had described her in the history of Ostelux. Dangerous and terrifying.

"You are despicable," Jacina snarled. Her voice was sharp like blades of ice, ready to pierce from any direction. "No one can have him but you. Is this what you call love? You never loved Raffin. You only think of yourself. And you don't deserve to live."

Jacina twisted her wrist. Alani's head moved in the same direction with the sound of breaking bones. Her arms slumped to her sides, her legs stopped kicking. Jacina lowered her hand and Alani's body fell to the ground with a thud.

Silence. Time seemed to stand still in the corridor.

Raffin tried to process what had just happened before him. Alani was dead. Jacina killed her. Alani gave her the curse of the kiss of death. Anyone who kissed him would die. How would he be in a relationship with such a curse on him? But Jacina cannot die, so What was he thinking? He had to marry Princess Carlein. He had to free Ostelux from its debts. Raffin should think about how to lift the curse.

"Forgive me, King Ames," Jacina said, breaking the silence.

Ames shuddered at the mention of his name. He looked at Jacina, stunned.

"I got carried away and took the law into my own hands," she continued. "You should have been the one to punish this woman. I apologize for my impertinence."

Ames blinked. He cleared his throat before answering. "It doesn't matter. She deserved it." He turned to Raffin. "We have a new problem now, anyway."


Issa rushed to embrace Raffin as soon as he entered the king's study.

"Oh, praise the King of Gods, you're fine," Issa breathed.

"He's not fine," Ames said in anger. He crossed the room with quick strides and sat down behind his large desk. "Alani put a curse on him."

"Oh, no." Issa covered her mouth with both hands.

Raffin touched Issa's back and led her to the center of the room, making room for Jacina and Ferula to enter. Issa sat in front of Ames' desk, Raffin standing nearby, leaning against the corner of the desk. Jacina sat next to Issa. While Ferula stood behind her, like a bodyguard.

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