We Need Her

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With no sun and stars to mark time, Magus Uxar placed his hourglass in the watchtower. Each soldier on duty was to ring a bell whenever the sand at the top of the hourglass ran out.

The fifth bell had just rung when Raffin found Issa in the king's sitting room.

"You called for me, Your Majesty?" Raffin greeted as he entered.

"Yes," the queen replied. "Come, sit with me." Issa patted the cushion beside her. Raffin obeyed.

As usual, her sister-in-law wore a dark green dress with gold trim. Her ginger hair was in a bun, but she left a few strands loose near her ears. Freckles adorned her pale pink face. Her emerald eyes looked at Raffin with care and affection.

"How are you?" she asked.

Raffin shook his head weakly. "Not well. Why didn't you tell me about Krazthea's proposal?"

"The letter arrived after the morning service. After speaking with me, Ames called you and your brother. I didn't have time to tell you."

"So you agreed with Ames' decision?"

Issa took Raffin's hand. "He knows what is best for the kingdom. And for you."

Raffin let out a long sigh. "But what he thinks is good for me is not the same as what I think is good for me."

"So you think Alani is good for you?"

The question made Raffin pause. Had Alani not released the evil curse, he would have answered yes.

"I know you want to follow your heart." Issa put a hand on Raffin's shoulder. "You want to marry the girl you love. But we royalty are not born with that privilege."

"But you and Ames love each other."

Issa smiled. "After several years of marriage. We cannot choose love, but we can learn to love the one who is chosen for us. That's all we can do."

Raffin rubbed his face in frustration. "I should have listened to you and ended things with her sooner. If I had not ended it because I had to marry the princess of Krazthea, maybe she would not have been so angry that she release the evil curse."

"Listen to me." Issa grabbed Raffin's chin, forcing him to look at her. "You did the right thing. This catastrophe is not your fault. It wasn't you who released the curse and put us all in danger."

"I know," Raffin sighed. "But..."

"There is no but." Issa stood. "It's not your fault. You don't have to feel responsible. Now come. I think it's time for dinner."

Raffin got up and followed Issa out of the room. Even though Raffin knew Issa was right, he still couldn't shake the guilt in his heart. But there was nothing he could do but hope the wizards could remove the curse the next day.


The bell had just rung for the third time since Raffin had awakened. Magus Uxar said the sun should have been up by now. Raffin stood among the knights on the porch. From there, he could get a closer look at the light and dark wizards. They stood in the palace forecourt and prepared themselves.

Besides Magus Uxar and Magus Ivys, there were three other light wizards. The dark wizards were five, all of whom were prisoners except for Ferula, so their numbers were in balance. Until one of them acted out when Magus Ivys removed the anti-magic cuffs from his wrist.

He attacked Magus Ivys, but the Grand Wizard's apprentice could turn the tables. After striking him with a burst of magical energy, Magus Ivys reattached the anti-magic cuffs to the resisting dark wizard's wrists. An executioner took charge of the prisoner, who now pleaded for mercy. The executioner dragged him a few steps before swinging his enormous axe and severing his head from his body in a single slash. A rare sight in the palace. No wonder there was a series of screams from the crowd of servants.

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